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hi! enjoy <3 and please vote or comment. i always write my stories from a female point of view, so i wanted to test a male one. 

Elijah's pov

Elijah dragged his scuffed black converse across the sidewalk, stalking past the drunk people, most likely his age, littered across the bars beside him.

He knew his resting bitch face made him unapproachable; something his best friends constantly ensured to remind him, as if he could help something like that, but he didn't care.

He blew out a frustrated breath and shoved his hands in his jeans' pockets. He was pissed. It was midterm season and yet, Porter and Della still decided that it was a good time to get wasted and rely on him to pick their asses up from whatever bar they ended up trashed at.

He didn't even wanna be here. They knew he hated bars. Being around people, in general, did not sit right with him.

He wasn't antisocial. He actually had plenty of friends. He just didn't like being around so many people.

They, however, were the complete opposite. He had lost count of the number of times he was dragged to parties and places against his will.

He constantly wished his best friend, Luke, went to college with him, but he wasn't that lucky. He sighed.

He pulled out his phone opening Porter's texts.

"WKKHERS aare yu&" was the most recent. Along with a picture of him and Della taking shots. It was blurry and there was something on the camera giving a weird film to the picture. He rolled his eyes. They were fools. He scrolled through the nonsense messages until he found the location Port sent him. 'Sal's' was the name of the bar they were at. He shoved his phone back in his pocket, frowning.

He had parked his shitty Honda in the free parking lot a few blocks away, deciding to walk to the bar himself and drag them out just to watch them suffer knowing they had to walk in their drunk state.

He kicked a rock in front of him with his shoes, eyes on the ground, when he suddenly felt a force collide into him sharply.

He grunted, almost falling over from the force into his ribcage, but subconsciously reached his hands out, grabbing the person who had bumped into him's forearms, straightening them both up as their (very soft) hands wrapped around his arms too.

As he looked up, all he could register was the colour green and the smell of lavender, before the person ran swiftly past him, taking him by the forearm with them.

He staggered but ran too as they towed him along. He realized that the person was a girl and that her dainty silver bracelet had caught onto his black sweater, which is why she dragged him with her. He also noticed her hand near his. Her fingers were slender and each fingernail was painted a different colour.

"What the f-" He started, cutting himself off when he trailed his eyes from her wrist and the bracelet and saw who was in front of him. He could only see her back. Choppy, ink-black hair flew behind her as she ran, in her blue converse and jeans, a green crop top framing her nicely from the ba- wait what? Was he checking her out? He pushed those thoughts out of his head, swiftly.

She hadn't turned or said anything, and he was still running behind her due to their attached sweater to bracelet dilemma.

He was confused.

He looked behind him and saw three police offers chasing him.

Wait no- chasing her.

Eli was a smart guy. He knew that this didn't involve him, and he could easily stop and detach her bracelet from him, letting the cops catch her for whatever she did.

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