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Elijah's POV

Elijah stopped a few steps away from Sal's turning to look at Carter.

"This is my stop." He gestured to the bar.

Her face looked thoughtful. "How old are you?"

"Why do you care?" He was quick to answer.

"Well you look my age. And I'm not legal yet." She explained, as she eyed the bar.

"How old are you?" He looked her up and down. She was short. But curvy.

"I asked first." She said, pouting her lips at him. It distracted him for a second, but his scowl remained present.

"Well, I'm not telling you until you tell me." He crosses his arms, slightly smirking stubbornly.

"That's not fair."

He shrugged, as they had a staring contest over who would answer first. He knew it wouldn't be him; he was as stubborn as a mule.

Only thirty seconds passed, before Carter blinked, glancing away with a defeated, but comedic expression.

"I'm nineteen." She answered him.

"That's nice." He turned to leave to the bar, turning to find her open-mouthed.

He almost let out a chuckle at her expression, turning back. "I'm just playing you. I'm nineteen too."

"So... how are you going to get in?" She questioned.

He pulled a card out of his front pocket, flashing it at her. "Fake ID." He was nonchalant. Porter had his connections so Eli only had to pay a reasonable price to be twenty-three year old Jimmy Clyde for nights like this.

She frowned. "I want one."

"Then get one." He turned to leave her behind when he saw two very familiar figures stumble out of the bar, a dark brunette with her arm slung over the shoulder of a goofy looking red-haired guy.

Elijah recognized them instantly, rushing forwards to support Della on his own shoulders since he was soberer than Porter.

"Hiiiii!" She yelled in his ear, as he carried the upper half of her body. Porter skipped behind them singing a random song. He was a musician so he was always dancing or singing something. Elijah repeatedly told him how annoying it was.  Yet, he hadn't missed a single one of Porter's gigs, since they were sixteen.

"Who's that?" Della slurred, as she suddenly noticed Carter still following him.

"Dunno. I'm being stalked." He shrugged, speaking loud enough for Carter to hear, as she perked up at the mention of her.

"Eliiijaaaahhhh Wessstttt!" Porter sang, pushing his head in between Della and Eli, throwing both arms around each of their shoulders.

Fuck. Eli turned to his side to see Carter with a smug smile on her face. Great. Now she knew his full name. He was going to replace Porter's shampoo with hair dye.

She opened her mouth to say something when the song 'Pocket Full of Sunshine' suddenly blared from the pocket of her pants.

She pulled out a sleek white iPhone. Of course that was her ringtone. She eyed the screen for a minute, sighing before looking up.

"I have to go. Nice to meet you, Mr. Elijah West!" She winked, turning and disappearing into the dark alleyway behind the bar.

Eli shook his head, dragging his friends to his car. He thought about Carter the whole way home. What a weird girl.

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