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Siddharth’s smile stiffened and his feet stopped.

He weakly shouted: “ Shehnaaz?”

She didn’t answer. She was so quiet she didn’t seem to breathe.

Siddharth sat next to her, then held her hand and intertwined their fingers tightly.

“Look, I won the prize. Aren’t I good?”

“We’ll finish our movie. And next year we’ll be able to come together at the Golden Silk Awards. I’ll be the best actor, and you’ll be the best actress. Everyone will envy us for being such a fated pair, the best couple ever. We’ll be the number one couple every year, the most beloved couple.”

Siddharth said with a laugh, “In the movie, we’re also a loving couple. If I had the male lead’s powers, I’d split half my life with you. Who said you were so bad?”

When the doctor came with Adith, Siddharth was still talking with Shehnaaz.

“When you get better, we’ll get married again. We’ll have a big ceremony. I made you a dress, you can wear it soon.”

The doctor came over and with just a touch, knew she had gone. “Mr. Shukla, she has already…”

Siddharth immediately became violent. “Leave! My wife is resting. Don’t disturb her.”

Adith cried, “ Bro,  sister shehnaaz is gone.”

He held Shehnaaz’s hand with some nervousness. “Who’s gone? She’s asleep. Tomorrow, tomorrow she’ll be healthy.”

Adith walked over and pulled on him.

“Bro, calm down.”

Siddharth pushed Adith away, “I am calm. Have you made Shehnaaz’s soup yet? She’s been eating less lately. She’ll starve if she doesn’t eat more at night.”

Suddenly, Adith moved forward, grabbing Siddharth’s collar and punching him.

Siddharth staggered back a few steps and hit the wall.

Adith’s tears were flowing. “bro, I’m sorry.”

Siddharth was shocked. He looked dazedly at Adith, seemingly unaware of his surroundings.

He pushed Adith aside and stumbled to the hospital bed, reaching out to Shehnaaz’s cold face.

Then he bowed his head and kissed her lips that held no warmth.

“I kissed you, so wake up.”

He trembled, tears dropping on her pale face.

“I kissed you, so wake up.”

He kissed her again, but she wouldn’t wake.

“ Shehnaaz, don’t you love me? Don’t you not want to hurt me?”

Siddharth begged in tears.

“I’m so sad right now. Won’t you wake up?”

Siddharth had never been so humble, nor had he begged so desperately.

He begged her to wake up.

But Shehnaaz didn’t breathe, and the heartbeat in her chest had stopped long ago.

Adith and the doctors and nurses standing by couldn’t bear it anymore.

However, they had a duty to perform. The doctor tried to persuade Siddharth. “Mr. Shukla, I know you’re upset, but she is already gone. You need to accept reality.”

Siddharth was pale, and he suddenly seemed to wake. The helplessness in his eyes made the people watching depressed.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but the despair, deep in his chest, surged out.

Ek Boond Ishq❤️‍🔥Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant