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I'm used to doing the right thing. My entire life, I've always been the one to take the high road and do what was asked of me, and never break the rules. I want to succeed and gain an education, and especially with me having dyslexia, I have to work twice as hard as everyone else. There wasn't time for partying, or going to the movies, or hanging out with friends until... her.

Isabelle Holden is a force to be reckoned with. Growing up, we never talked to each other since we were never exactly in the same social status, but everyone knew who she was. Granted, after getting to know her, most of the rumors that circulated were not true, but the wild part... That rumor is true.

God, I can't even focus on this trigonometry class. I'm too focused on reminiscing about this past weekend. The way she felt, the way her pussy clenched around my fingers just right, the soft, quiet moans...

Okay, seriously, I need to chill before I get a full-fledged boner right here in class.

When the bell rings, Josh, the guy I almost killed at the bonfire for merely touching Izzy's arm, is staring at me like he just asked me a question.

"What?" I ask.

"I said are you coming to the party this weekend? After the game on Saturday?" It was almost bad that Izzy got him out of his shell. Now that he was seen at a few parties, he's started to get invited to every single one. It's not that they weren't fun, it was nice to be reckless once in a while, but it was only fun if she was there, and her Dad is coming into town this weekend. She won't be at whatever party this is.

"No," I tell him while finishing zipping up my backpack. The class has started to mostly filter out, and when it's just Josh and I alone I add, "Speaking of parties if you see Izzy at another one, keep your hands to yourself."

Josh scoffs. "Who are you to tell me what to do? Where did you take her that night, anyway? Are you the person she said she was seeing?"

My fingers freeze, still clutching the zipper. I raise my eyebrows at his statement, trying not to let that giddy feeling race into my heart, but dammit, it already is. She said she was seeing someone. I highly doubt that person is Zane. Their relationship is a free game for flirting.

"She turned you down?" I ask, still not believing it. The corner of my lips keeps twitching into a smile when he nods. I can't help it. Izzy and I haven't spoken since the night of the bonfire and for good reason. We crossed a line. I told her I wouldn't, but I thought she was teasing me with Josh. I assumed she wore my sweatshirt to get a rise out of me, but maybe she didn't know I'd be there at the bonfire. Maybe she wore it because she...wanted to.

Oh my god.

Did she make up her mind?

"I, uh...have to go," I say quickly, practically flying out of the room. I'm relieved school is done for the day. I have to be at the debate club in half an hour, but I have to find her and talk to her about this. I won't be able to focus if I don't.

Izzy isn't hard to find. I know her routine like the back of my hand. If we're not meeting at the library, she goes straight to the bathroom to change out of her sexy schoolgirl clothes and turns into a perfect little nun for her parents. I'm leaning against the wall when she comes out in an ankle-length skirt and a white button-down polo. Her cheeks redden with embarrassment, but I'm not sure if it's from me seeing her like this or from our time together this past weekend.

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