04: A Different Kind Of Spice

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Ashton wiped the sweat off of his forehead as he ran on the treadmill. He had been working out for the past hour without a break. His last conversation with Ryker was still on his mind, and that was all he could think about.

It had been three days since then, but it seemed like the incident was etched in his brain now. He didn't know how to get it out, so all he could do was distract himself. Or at least try to do that. Nothing was working, though. His stupid mind would replay his interaction with Ryker over and over again the moment he was alone with his thoughts.

They hadn't spoken since then. Not that that was too surprising. He wasn't expecting Ryker to reach out after how it went in that meeting room. After all, he did beg him to leave and for the first time, Ryker actually did.

At the same time, what Erick said to them was also circling around his head like a ghost haunting him. He needed to work on making things better with Ryker, not worse. Well, better was a near impossible task, but at least...bearable.

How was he supposed to do that now, though? Ashton sighed as he turned off the machine. He was exhausted, both physically and mentally. He knew he had to reach out to Ryker. He had to somehow keep his ego aside and do it. All he had to do was drop him a text. It was so simple, yet it had been three days and he couldn't do it.

He did type the message several times. He had gotten close to pressing send a few times too, but he just couldn't go through with it.

Erick gave them one month. And time was already starting to run out. As each day passed, Ashton grew more and more worried.

It wad finally day five, when Malcolm had enough of Ashton's childish bullshit. He snatched the phone from his client's hands, before pressing the send button himself. Ashton was irritated. But internally, he was a little grateful too. Thought he would never admit that. Not even in his wildest dreams.

He folded his arms in front of his chest, glaring at Malcolm. The agent just rolled his eyes, not at all caring about Ashton's tantrums and attitude. He was a man with a job, and he had to get it done in any way whatsoever.

Ashton kept checking his phone every few minutes, grabbing it at the sound of every notification, then putting it down with a sigh when he saw that it was somebody else, and not the person he was expecting. Ashton was growing more and more impatient with every passing hour, and after four hours he had enough.

He picked up his phone, calling Ryker before he could think twice about his actions and change his mind. Ryker picked up on the third ring, and Ashton cursed internally. He didn't even know what he was going to say.


"Hi," Ashton muttered.

"Ash," Ryker stated. The surprise was clear in his voice.

"Yeah, it's me," Ashton replied. He paused for a moment, and when Ryker didn't say anything, he continued. "We, uh, we need to—"

"I was just about to reply to your message," Ryker cut him off. "When are you free? Tonight works for me, unless you are not ready."

Ashton bit the inside of his cheek. Ryker was poking at him again, but Ashton had to keep his cool this time. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply before speaking again.

"Sure. Tonight works," Ashton answered, keeping his tone as calm and collected as possible.

"Okay?" Ryker said, though it came off as a question. "I'll see you in..."

"A couple hours?"

"Okay. Alright. Cool," Ryker replied.

"Right, uh—"

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