15: June Weddings

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Lee wasn't how Ashton was expecting them to be at all. Dressed in a neat three piece suit with their hair slicked back and deep red lipstick. They were making Ashton feel extremely underdressed in his casual shirt and jeans. Lee welcomed Tabitha with a gentle kiss on her cheek before greeting the other two actors.

"It's so great to finally meet you both!" Lee exclaimed, a geniune smile on their face. "Tabby doesn't shut up about you two, I feel almost as if we're already acquainted."

Ashton was a little surprised. Usually if the actresses he worked with had significant others then they weren't this ecstatic to meet the co-workers that their partner had to be intimate with on screen. But from Lee's demeanor it seemed like they were extremely supportive of Tabitha's profession.

"You too, trust me, we've heard so much about you that for a moment I felt that I was the one dating you," Ryker joked, making both Lee and Tabby laugh.

"All good things, I hope," Lee said, wrapping their arm around Tabitha's waist.

"As if I'd ever say something bad about you babe," Tabitha retorted, looking at Lee with a soft gaze. They both were so clearly in love, and it was actually nice to see that for once. Ashton usually hated being around couples, considering what a massive fail his dating life was.

"Ashton, I don't know if Tabby told you but I'm a huge fan," Lee said as they entered the private room and got seated.

"She mentioned," Ashton replied politely. "It's an honor."

"I grew up watching your parents on screen and it was so great to see you too. You're really carrying on the family name," Lee complimented.

Ashton passed Lee a tight lipped smile, not saying anything. Ryker glanced at him, he knew very well that family was a sensitive topic for Ashton. Especially when it came to the Archer legacy. Ashton's parents and grandparents both were actors, and were still involved heavily in the industry. His dad had even started directing and producing movies, for that matter.

Ashton always felt like a disgrace as compared to them. He wondered if he ever even would've gotten a break had he not been a nepo baby. Unlike Ryker, who built his career all on his own without any contacts or favors. Self doubt was Ashton's middle name.

"So what's good on the menu? It's my first time eating here," Ryker changed the topic, making Ashton relax subconsciously once the attention was diverted from him.

"They have a bartender's special cocktail which is yum and gets you fucked up after the third round. I'd highly recommend it," Tabitha answered.

"Oh no, no alcohol for me tonight. I'm driving," Ryker stated, and the couple nodded in understanding, neither of them pressuring him to drink.

"Ah, water, then?" Lee continued, "I'm kidding, their iced tea is pretty good too."

"Iced tea it is. What about food?"

The four gave their orders to the waiter. Ashton was starving, so even though he wasn't previously in the mood to go out, he was at the very least excited about eating some good food. The only silver lining.

"I never asked, Lee," Ryker spoke. "What do you do for work?"

"Oh, I work in finance," Lee answered casually. "I know. Pretty boring compared to you guys."

"Trust me, things always look better from the outside," Ryker shrugged casually. "What's the finance world like?"

"Male dominated with a cut throat competition, you know how that goes. But I make do," Lee replied. Ashton was impressed by their modesty and grace.

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