30: Pillow Wars

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"The floor looks very comfortable, you know, maybe you should sleep on it," Ashton mumbled, placing a pillow in the middle of the bed to create a boundary between him and Ryker.

"You're trying to kick me out of my own bed?" Ryker asked in disbelief.

Ashton simply shrugged in response as he laid down. Ryker's twin sized bed was definitely not big enough for two grown men. On top of that, Ashton was insisting on having a pillow between them. He sighed softly, getting comfortable under the covers.

Ryker watched the other actor with his eyebrows furrowed. There was pretty much no space for him on his own bed with Ashton hogging it. Ashton didn't seem to care either, looking rather peaceful.

"You're going to have to move," Ryker stated. Ashton opened his eyes, looking at Ryker with a sly grin as instead of moving to the side, he moved more towards the center of the bed, leaving even lesser space for Ryker. "Seriously, Ash? Do you want me to lie down on top of you?"

"You wouldn't dare," Ashton retorted.

"Is that so?" Ryker cocked a brow.

"What if you crush me and I die? You don't want a murder charge, do you? You're too pretty for jail," Ashton said.

"Too pretty, huh?" Ryker smirked, stepping closer to his bed. "Besides, I've been on top of you plenty of times. Didn't hear you complaining then."

"That was different," Ashton muttered, looking away.

The two hadn't really done much, or anything for that matter since Ashton's conversation with Tabitha. He tried to convince himself that Tabitha being suspicious didn't scare him away, but deep down he knew that was the case.

Maybe he had been wrong in assuming that Tabitha wasn't the most observant person out there. But if she could figure it out, then others could do. And that was a risk Ashton wasn't willing to take.

There was nobody in the room with them now, though. They were safe behind the walls of Ryker's childhood home. And Ryker's comment of being on top of him instantly brought back flashbacks of the times that he was referring to. Ashton shifted uncomfortably, he knew his dick wasn't as flaccid as it was merely moments ago.

"Different how?" Ryker asked, keeping his knee on top of his bed as he inched closer to Ashton, making him gulp as he submerged further into the cozy blankets.

"Come near me again and I'll knee you in the balls," Ashton said. It was a lie. He knew it. Ashton was well aware that if Ryker got close to him then he would give in immediately. But Ryker didn't know that, and Ashton would rather keep it that way.

"Fine," Ryker nodded, his expression switched from a teasing grin to a sincere one so quickly that Ashton almost got whiplash. "I'll sleep on the floor."

Ashton couldn't control the corner of his lips moving downwards in a frown. That's what he wanted. So why was he sad about it? These contradictory feelings were going to be the death of him, Ashton was sure.

Ryker's stoic look didn't change as he walked towards the side of the bed, where Ashton was, and raised his arm forward to grab the pillow that Ashton was holding on to for dear life.

"Hey!" Ashton exclaimed in protest as Ryker tried to take it. Ashton pulled back, not ready to give it up.

"You're already hogging my bed and you can't even give me a goddamn pillow?" Ryker questioned as he attempted to grab it again, only for Ashton to hold onto it tighter.

"Find another one!"

"But it's mine!"

"I don't care!"

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