lip balm

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"Do you really need so much of it?" he questioned you as he observed your every move.

You were sitting in front of your vanity mirror, applying sone glitters to your eyeshadow, while he was seated on the edge of your bed, his eyes never leaving your frame.

You could not keep the smile out of your voice. "Why does it bother you so much?"

He was going on about how you're applying way too much makeup for the whole time he was watching you do it.

For the first time, you saw him avert his gaze from you through the mirror as he grunted a low response, "because you look pretty without it."

The smile on your face widened even more after hearing him compliment you. It wasn't always he'd find it in himself to be so bold and straightforward, especially when it came to you. He'd always blush and get all embarrassed and shy if you'd try flirting with him.

You were certain he liked you.

And you liked him as well, but you were his complete opposite - it was hard to get you flustered. You were rather the type to openly show how you feel about someone, even though you had to be gentler with him or you'd scare him off, you were afraid.

But you couldn't stop yourself from sometimes flirting with him or saying remarks which could be taken more than one ways, and then laugh at his blushing face when he struggled to stutter out a response.

You did not reply to his compliment, but focused back on your reflection in the mirror as you did the finishing touches.

You looked good.

You'd probably break the mirror if you didn't - you were painting your face for half an hour already, all the while he was patiently sitting on your bed.

You were supposed to leave half an hour ago, but you being you - a girl, as he'd remarked - just had to be a little late.

Nobody would get hurt if you'd arrive to the dance later, anyway, it's not like people were particularly looking out for your presence there. You may just as well bail and no one would notice.

But you knew he was eager to go there, especially after finally mustering up the courage to invite you as his date.

Thus he was now sitting on your bed while he waited until you got ready just so that you two can finally go to the school dance together.

You didn't try to hurry up, though, teasing him a little by being slower than necessary.

"There, I'm done," you said as you pushed yourself away from the desk and spun around in your chair, waiting for what he'd think.

When his eyes landed on your face directly, it took him a moment to collect himself. He thought you looked beautiful, with the makeup or without, and the dress you were wearing suited you perfectly. He couldn't get out any word, his breath taken away.

"Well, what do you think?" you pressed, growing a little uncomfortable by his silence.

"I- it's-" He stood up and walked closer to you, you mimicked his gestures and stood up as well to meet him. When he was within a breath's width, he took you by the hand.

"You are beautiful," he whispered. His voice was slightly trembling.

You surely didn't expect him to be this bold, giving his usually shy and drawn back nature, and the breath hitched in your throat upon hearing his soft deep voice so close to you.

"Thank you," you softly replied.

"Shall we go, now?" he inquired, giving you a grin, showing his teeth to you.

You were ready to go.

No, wait. There was something missing.

You changed the direction in which you were shaking your head from up to down to left and right, signalling to him you remembered something.

You pulled your hand free of his grasp and strolled over back to your desk again, fishing for something in the drawer.

"I forgot to put on my lip balm. My lips are really dry," you explained to him.

When you finally found it in the endless chaos in your drawer, you triumphantly held it out for him to see. "Here it is!"

He chuckled.

His laugher slowly died as you approached him.

What you were about to do may have been a little over the line at any different time, but you had a feeling it was okay to do it tonight.

You opened the lip balm and applied a thin layer onto his lips. He took a deep breath which shuddered in his chest when he felt your hand grasp his chin to steady him. You could feel his burning gaze on your face, but refused to look at him as you put the lip balm on his lips.

Only when you closed the little tube again did you lift your head up to meet his gaze.

You had a feeling he wanted to kiss you just as much as you wanted to kiss him tonight.

You leaned in to him, standing up on tiptoes to reach his height just as he bent his head down, your lips meeting midway, crashing against each other with a long suppressed desire. The kiss didn't last long, you pulled away after a few seconds and pressed your lips together a few times as to spread the lip balm on them evenly.

And the old him was back, cheeks flushed red, his eyes traveling everywhere across the room but you.

You reached for his hand. "Now, we can go."

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