ice skating

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"Hey!" you grinned at the boy in sight before you, with his hands in his warm jacket, a fluffy scarf around his neck and a woolen hat on his head. His nose was red and it reminded you of the red nosed reindeer. But you yourself were dressed warmly, seeing as it was the middle of winter and freezing - and what a perfect day for going ice skating.

You had your own skates hanging down from your shoulder as well as a pair which you carried for C/n, skates your older brother no longer used. C/n didn't have his own, and had never skated before. Truthfully, you were still quite surprised that he agreed to come despite his inability to ice skate.

You, on the other hand, were an excellent skater and so naturally, you offered to help and teach him.

"Hi," he grinned back, but maybe with a little less enthusiasm, nervous about his first time.

"Did you wait long?"

"Not at all. Actually, I got here like... forty seconds before you?" he scrunched his nose and appeared as though he was counting the seconds.

You chuckled and grabbed his elbow to lead him to the benches, sitting down. "Ready to skate?" you smirked at him while taking off your shoes.

He mimicked you and took off his own, grabbing the skates from you and putting them on. "I guess," he mumbled.

"Don't be scared," you cooed at him as he struggled to tie the shoelaces on his skates. Kneeling down in front of him, your hands replaced his to tie them tightly. "Is this alright? Not too tight or loose?"

The boy carefully stood up, you doing so as well, and tried to lift one of his legs and put it back down to see whether the shoelaces were tied well. Seeing him nod, you turned around to walk to the ice rink. Before taking the second step, though, you turned back to C/n who was still standing at the bench and stretched out your hand to him. "Need a hand?"

He gladly took it, clinging onto you as you walked together to the ice. When you got to the entrance, you stepped onto the ice with ease and confidence. But he let go and instead remained standing right before it.

"Come on in," you encouraged, with your hands stretched out to him once again, but this time both of them.

He was still hesitating, avoiding looking at you.

"What are you afraid of? I won't let you fall," you said firmly, set on it and when he saw the reassurance in your eyes when he finally looked at you, be gripped the edge of the ice rink and stepped inside. With both legs on ice, now, he kept to the edge, holding it so tightly as if his life depended on it.

He watched you meekly as you skated a little ahead and then came back to him, removing his hands from the rink. As soon as his hands were off of it, he gripped tightly onto you as you slowly skated backwards, keeping just as tight a hold of him.

"No. No, no, wait, wait!" he frantically exclaimed as his feet moved and slid along. He began wobbling while trying to balance himself, so you pulled him closer to you, steadying him as you held his waist and he leaned his hands against your shoulders.

"You should've warned me," he breathed out, relieved to stand.

"Warned you that we're going to skate on a skating rink?" you raised your eyebrow in amusement. "It's not scary at all. You'll see you'll love it by the end of this."

"I'm not so sure," he confessed, embarrassed.

After inhaling deeply, he managed to calm himself and told you he was ready. You disattached yourself from his close grip and instead intertwined your fingers again. His gloved hand seeped warmth into your own.

Skating backwards, you both kept looking down at his feet (even though you still looked up and behind you to see if there were some people you need to avoid in your way), he tried to mimick your movements. But since you were skating backwards, it was a little different and more difficult for him, so you let go of one of his hands and joined him by his side. That way, it was a bit easier for him to follow your moves. Still, you kept making sure your pace won't pick up and that he was skating only slowly and safely. He was still holding onto you for dear life, even when he finally started to get a hang of it.

"Look! I can go by myself, now!" he happily exclaimed while abruptly letting go of you, pushing one of his kegs forward in a slide motion. His leg twisted, but you managed to take hold of his sleeve at the last possible second, barely managing to push him back to your direction as he found his ground under his feet with your help. "Well, I guess not yet," he said sheepishly while peering at you with a playful, childish smile and twinkles in his eyes.

Still laughing, you voiced out a question, "everything good?"

He nodded, dusting off invisible dust and filth off his clothes. "Perfect," he replied. And then he sneezed.

You were sure your own nose was just as red as his, and your cheeks as well. But it gave him a cutesy look, flushed cheeks and nose on his normally lighter skin. (sorry if you're black and your cheeks cant get red)

"I think I need a tissue," he said while sniffing.

You nodded, "yeah." And since it was already some time passed, maybe an hour or even two, you added, "I was thinking we should end it here, anyway - don't want your legs hurting after so much exercise tomorrow, after all," you elbowed him in his side and he winced, feet sliding again and him almost tumbling to the ground again had you not caught him.

"Sorry." You tried to sound apologetical, but your laugh gave away that you actually weren't all that sorry. Taking his hands again, this time you skated back to the entrance while pulling him along behind you, like the sort of train kids would do.

As you got to the bench and began to untie the skates, he groaned as he took it off, twisting his socked ankle in the air. "My feet hurt," he complained.

You patted him on the shoulder sympathetically. "It happens the first time."

Both of you back in your normal shoes again, you reached your hand out to him, motioning for him to give you the skates.

He shook his head. "No, let me walk you back home."

Without trying to protest - you couldn't lie, you liked the idea anyway -, you waited until he was ready to go and then started strolling towards the direction of your house. Well, better said, the bus stop - your home was somehow far from the city centre where the ice rink was located and you were both already tired from skating. Besides, both of you liked the idea of a ride in a warmed up bus.

"So, what do you say? Still hate ice skating?" you couldn't help but tease as you waited for the bus to arrive.

He held his hands up in defense. "I never said I hated it! Just that I don't love it..." He grew quiet for a bit before continuing, "but I think I like it, now. I mean, we should repeated this date more often.

Your eyes widened at his words and you tried to hide your flustered state. "Date?" you choked out. He never called this a date and neither did you, you only asked him to hang out. Not that you minded, of course. It was just that you would have never thought he could actually like you back before.

He cast a sideways glance at you. "Do you mind?" he asked anxiously, chewing the inside of his cheek.

"No," you shook your head with a big smile spread across your face. "I would love to repeat this, as well."

Just then, the bus came and you rode to your stop together, him walking you right to your front porch, where you just could not resist but to ask him to stay over for a bit. He agreed and so you spent the rest of the day together, just resting after the sport in the morning, being lazy and doing nothing while just spending time with one another.

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