working late

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You're a working adult and you find your boss (around your age) just a tad too attractive for your own good

"Aren't you going, as well?" a coworker of yours asked as she began packing her stuff into her purse, turning off the computer at her desk.

"No, I'm going to finish this before heading home," you replied, not turning your head away from your own computer at your own desk. Working in a top tier business company wasn't the easiest, but it was your field of management - that's why you had applied in the first place, because you knew what you are doing. Plus, it was definitely well paid.

It was a Friday evening and you just wanted to get all the work you were supposed to have done due Monday finished before starting your weekend - you hated bringing work to your home and anticipated a quiet, nice and relaxing two days of rest without having to stress. Thus, you decided to stay even after the official working hours and while you weren't the only one, the others were beginning to leave soon all one by one. You and your coworker were the last ones there who remained, and even she was now leaving.

Well, you didn't have that much work to do, maybe only an hour or two more - time you were willing to sacrifice, seeing it was only ten in the evening, in exchange for a worryless weekend.

"Okay, I'll be heading out now, then. Nice weekend!" your coworker wished you before she left through the door.

The office grew quiet, the only sound produced coming from your fingers tapping the keyboard. Still, you knew you weren't the only one there. Your boss, C/n L/n, was there too, you could tell by a) you knew he always worked until late at night, being the CEO and all that stuff regarding lots of workload and b) there was light coming from his personal office. He dismissed his assistant after her official working hours ended - he was punctual about that. If he hadn't, you would've known by the assistant constantly running around and fetching coffee, running errands like she did during the day.

It was only you and your boss left in the building. You actually didn't see him exit his office other than in the morning. He must have a busy day.

Shaking your head to abandon thoughts of your boss, you focused back on the computer screen in front of you. A few minutes passed when you heard a door being opened.

"Aren't you leaving?" C/n walked casually towards you and you spinned in your chair lightly to look at him.

His face was tired and exhausted from the whole day and hair messy as if he had just run his hand through them. He wasn't wearing a jacket like when you saw him in the morning, and the two first buttons of his white shirt were unbuttoned. He looked leisure, casual, trying to find some comfort in the constant work.

He looked insanely attractive like that. Gosh, did your boss always look this good?

You were probably always too focused and busy with work when you saw him during the day - this wouldn't be you first time staying after working hours, but you never saw him leave his office at this time since he always left to go home only after you - there was always light coming from his office as you were leaving. This night was an exception. Maybe he wanted to stretch and walk a little before returning to his chair and computer.

Moreover, your eyes were probably so tied already from the electronics and documents you desperately wanted to focus on something else. Thus, you focused on the attractiveness of your boss walking in slow, steady pace towards you.

You realized he had asked something. "Um, no. I want to finish my work before the weekend," you explained, your eyes never leaving his tall frame. He was looking at you, as well.

"You must be tired. You should go home." He came to a stop just behind the chair you were sitting on and peeked from behind you should at your computer screen while you nervously turned your head back to stare at the screen as well, all too aware of his hot breath near your neck. "This isn't that important, it can wait until next week," he said, referring to the tabs and documents opened on your computer.

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