cat cuddling

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You turned over in your bed to lay on your back. Staring up, you were met with the unwavering, steady gaze of the plain white ceiling above, looking more grey now due to the fading light.

You continued to look up at it without any motion, any expression on your face.

The inside of the apartment was rather quiet. You didn't close the door to your room all the way, but rather left a slight gap between it and the wall. You usually left it like that, when you weren't doing something particularly private - such as changing clothes - or when there wasn't too much noise coming from the kitchen or your flatmate's room, in which case you would close it, or perhaps even lock it if you were in no mood to meet anyone.

But since you left it just a tiny bit ajar, your flatmate, C/n, knew you were available to whatever thing he would wish to do, to ask you something or persuade you to cook him a meal for dinner (he would wash the dishes afterwards, of course).

Because when you first got here, you learned quite the embarrassing way that your flatmate does not indeed knock, when he stormed into your room as you were undressing. Thus, you made the agreement.

You leave the door open and he knows you're not doing anything he shall not see.

It's closed and he knows he cannot enter.

You wondered what he was doing at this particular time of the day. Maybe he was just as bored as you were - or maybe he was out, since you literally haven't heard any noise from outside your room the whole afternoon.

You let out an exasperated sigh.

The room was darkening with each second as the sun drifted deeper beyond the horizon outside. But there's still a long way before the day ends.

What am I going to do? you thought, boredom much evident on you.

Just then, you heard your door creak a little. Looking into the direction, you saw it opening slowly.

But there was no person in the doorway.

Your eyes traveled lower, stopping on the floor. And indeed, the head of C/n's cat peeked from behind your door, meowing as the animal saw you.

You smiled at the cute creature, tapping your bed to beckon it closer. She jumped swiftly onto the mattress, settling down beside your laying state.

"Did C/n leave you alone?" you whispered to the cat, petting her head and scratching behind the ears.

A purr was the only answer you got.

"Gosh, how can he just leave you all alone like that?" you continued to talk with the cat in a distorted, hushed voice, as if you were talking to a baby. "If you were my cat, I'd be cuddling and petting you all day, you're just that cute."

The purring intensified and you scratched more while continuing to whisper talk to the cat.

Her tail swished from side to side as she blinked slowly, a 'w' of the cat's mouth and paws packed beneath her body before she decided to roll on her back, letting you pet her white belly.

"My gosh, you like this, don't you? You like this so much from the way you purr, you cute little—"

A sudden noise came from the next room, which belonged to C/n. So he was home after all.

Seconds later, he appeared outside his room, walking through the apartment as you heard him call his cat's name.

You chuckled, the cat's head rising up to look at what was happening lazily.

Then, his feet shuffled to the direction of your room, opening your door wide. "Hey, did you see my—" His eyes fell on the scene in front of him, you and his cat laying on your bed, before his frowning expression turned into a soft smile. "Oh, there you are."

He had a visible nest of hair on his head, meaning he had most likely been napping.

So that's why it was so quiet, you realized.

His next words confirmed your inner statement. "I was just sleeping, and I remember her next to me, but when I woke up she wasn't there..." he trailed off, voice fading into silence as he scratched the back of his neck, trying to tame his hair into a more presentable form.

"Don't worry, she just came for a little visit, did you not, my little cutie?" you replied to him first before turning your attention back to the ball of fluff. She butted her head against your palm to ask for more pets.

"Can I?" he asked as he walked closer to the bed. You were laying on the edge, with his cat in the middle - there was still plenty of room for him to lay down, as well. You nodded in reply. He laid down, running a hand through the soft fur of his cat.

"She usually wakes me up at a time like this to ask for dinner," he clarified his previous reaction. "She loves to eat, that's why I was so confused I didn't find her with me."

You smiled, still looking at the cat, although you felt C/n's eyes on you. "I enjoy her company. I was bored out of my mind, honestly, so she came as a life saver," you joked, getting a cheek spreading grin from the boy in return.

"I mean, if you'll ever be in need, you can always borrow her. She doesn't mind, obviously," he said, referring to the loud purring eliciting from the cat.

"I'll keep that in mind," you responded.

Suddenly, the cat stood up, stretching her hind legs. She flicked her round eyes at C/n, meowing at him.

He laughed in return. "There it is. Meal time."

Before he began standing up, before the cat lurched off the bed, she looked over at you, butting your cheek one last time. You enveloped her small head in your hands. "Are you leaving me already? Enjoy your meal, then, you cute thing," you hushed at her, kneading her cheeks in circular motions before placing a peck on her little forehead. She meowed again, jumping over her caretaker and onto the floor, to disappear behind your door.

C/n still wasn't leaving, so you averted your gaze from watching after the cat onto him, staring back into e/c eyes. Your laughter had died, albeit a smile still grazed your lips. "What?" you asked as he obviously had something on his tongue.

"You never kiss me."

His statement took you by surprise, but you tried your best not to let it show on your face. "Do you want me to kiss you?" you asked instead, attempting to ignore the erratic heartbeat in your chest.

He nodded. His gaze was intense, unfaltering. There was something in his eyes you had not seen before.

You leaned closer, propping yourself up on your elbows and plastering a small kiss on his cheek. Without a word, your eyes flickered back to his, in question.

He turned from the side. "I didn't mean on the cheek." You did not miss the way his eyes skimmed over your face, dark, fond, wanting.

You were glad for the lack of light in the room. Your cheeks were on fire as you slowly leaned even closer to his face.

Before your lips fully brushed his, you hesitated, gazing into his eyes, then at his lips and back into his eyes one last time before his hands found their way behind your neck, clasping them together there and bringing you closer.

Your lips crashed, blending into each other and you finally closed your eyes.

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