Chapter Four: First Mission

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A new day arrives on the Black Bull's hideout for Asta and (Y/N) tackle their first challenge as the new recruits: doing chores. Currently, Asta was running through the halls to wipe the floors and (Y/N) dust out the Black Bulls library with sky dragon slayer magic. Later, the Hage brothers washed the laundry outside next to a loaded pile. However, after Asta grabbed Vanessa's clothing, he passed out with a nosebleed, and (Y/N) was embarrassed but tried to continue as if he saw nothing. Soon, they reached an impasse for two dangerous challenges had presented themselves, feeding the magic beasts and waking up Captain Yami. The two know whichever they choose; will be hell on earth, so they decide to split it up between them.


The scene shifts to Asta in front of the beast cage, trying to settle the large animals while feeding them.

Asta: (Dang it. Why do I have to feed the magic beasts?) Sit, beastie.

The beasts became docile and obedient in response, leaving Asta with his guard down and proceeding toward them.

Asta: See? Good boy. I think you've earned a treat. *Hold out the meat* Go on.

The beast went for the meat. Instead, it broke through the cage and chewed on the upper half of Asta's body, making him squirm in pain.


As for (Y/N), currently, he's in front of Captain Yami's door before he mustered the courage to wake him up.

(Y/N): *Knock* Captain Yami...It's morning.

(Y/N) begins to knock harder.

(Y/N): Captain! You said to wake you up in the morning!

Yami: *Behind the door* Shut up now, or I will kill you!

(Y/N): You said to wake you up!

Before he could knock again, he heard something unshifted behind the door. Then, before he knew it, a Katana thrust through the door, making the dragon slayer fall on his butt before near impalement.

(Y/N): *Blank stare* Okay. I'll leave you alone. Well, that was stupid of me.

Grandeeney: Quite a welcome early in the morning. At least he's awake.

(Y/N): Tell me about it.

Finally, Asta and (Y/N) fold the laundry to hang outside in the bright sun, exhausted from their job well done.

(Y/N): Alright, that should do it.

Asta: Man, we've been working hard since the crack of dawn. Who knew magic knights had to do this much labor? *Realization* Wait! How is this any different back at the church?! What the hell is a magic knight squad do?!

(Y/N): _o_o_ Then why take the exams if you don't know?


Some time passed as the scene shifted inside the hideout's cafeteria. As the Black Bulls' gathered for lunch. But on the side, (Y/N) was scoffing down a heavy load of food as the Bulls couldn't comprehend how (Y/N) could enjoy a large quantity of food it's almost nothing to him.

(Y/N): Wow, this is really great.

Magna: And I thought the little glutton had an appetite.

Finral: Yeah, no kidding. That's your sixth plate plate in a row. Aren't you a least bit full?

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