Chapter 10: The Drop

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Note- Bucky's thoughts will be in ITALICS.

I think that since living with the team, I have grown a lot as a person. I spend more time voluntarily visible, than I have in my entire life.

I have also learned, since I am not constantly using my powers for hours on end anymore, I'm not exhausted anymore.

I never realized how much energy it took to maintain my powers for so long, took out of me.

I am using less energy, so I have more to spare.

I was lost in my thoughts as we flew to our destination.

I just looked around the room, filled with people I loved, trusted, and adored. And who loved and trusted me in return.

I had realized while looking around at the team, that Nat and Tony were hunched over angrily whispering to one another. It was very fast but Tony, in a whispering yell, (I don't even know how he did that if I am being honest. How can someone yell while still whispering?) he gestured in my general direction.

Nat's eyes looked to where she knew I was sitting. I was not visible but she knew I was there.

She let out a frustrated sigh.

"Y/n, can you come over here?" She did not broadcast it to everyone, just loud enough for those directly around me to hear.

I made my way over to them. Nat was leaning over a screen with a map and a bunch of red and green dots, while Tony just had his arms crossed over his chest.

I made my way around the table, to look at the plans, upside down, but a good view.

I was just out of direct eyesight of, well, you know who.

I became visible, looking down at the plans.

"So, I want you to go in, while we stay outside and clear out the civilians. But Tony said absolutely not."

"Because it's stupid, any one of us can go in without being noticed. For christ's sake, half of the team was some type of assassin or spy." Tony says, while throwing his hands in the air and rolling his eyes.

Just as the two began to squabble and bicker back and forth, I interrupted.

"Yeah. I'll do it." I said without a second thought.

Nat and Tony turned to me, "Kid, you don't have to–" Tony began.

I gave him a little smile to reassure him,

"This is literally what I was trained to do. Go in, be undetected, and deal with anyone in my way. Get out... Trust me."

Before Tony could protest further, the screen at the front of the jet beeped. Letting us know we were close.

Steve got up from talking with Bucky and came over to us, Nat gave him the all-clear, letting him know I will be going in.

"Alright. So. Here's the plan. We've caught rumor that these guys are bad news. And, working on something that could level an entire city in minutes. Only one scientist had the clearance to work on it. Him and one computer. Yeah, just the one. Apparently this guy has never heard of a flash drive...."

"Tony, back to the point," Nat said while crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back into one of the walls.

"Oh yeah. So. that one guy and computer are the only ones that know anything about the project. So. y/n will be going in, getting that information, erasing and destroying the computer, andddddd..... Getting the scientist back here."

Bucky's eyes started looking around, he knew he wouldn't see you, but it was worth a try.

Bucky- I know Y/n turned visible when she was talking with Natasha and Tony. I could just see a sliver of her shoulder appear between the space between them. It reminded me of the first time I ever saw her, actually, the only time I've ever seen her.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat. And my body temperature spiked.

If only one of them moved an inch. Oh how badly I wanted them to move.

"And what about the rest of us?" Sam said while raising his hand like a kid asking a teacher if they could go to the bathroom.

"Right. So.." Tony projected the map with red and green dots on it.

"There is one main building, that's where Shadow will be. And do you see this?" He said while gesturing to the bottom half of the screen, where all of the green dots were scattered.

"This was, a residential area. These green dots are civilians. This used to be a small town. Most of the people are unguarded, we are here to evacuate them. Get them to safety. Get them out of town and to the relief facility we set up."

"Umm. That's a lot of red dots." Clint said,

"Those are hostiles," Nat interjected.

"And they are mostly in the main building and scattered around the town.." Bucky finally spoke. I could see through his stone face that he was a little panicked at the idea of me going into the facility.

"There are about 150 hostiles in the area. About 80% of them are in the main building."

"And you are sending y/n in? Alone?" Wanda said, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"We are hoping we can subdue the ones around the town quietly. So we don't alert the others. She is the only one that can get in and out, WITH the scientist, without getting noticed."

I could tell a few of the others were about to protest this idea, but the jet began landing and everyone had to be ready.

Bucky began checking his guns and heading toward the end of the jet.

"You okay?" Sam said as he walked up beside Bucky, putting his goggles on his eyes.

Bucky scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. Just dandy." He said annoyed.

"Trust me man. She is a lot more, I am going to say 'capable' than she appears..... Or... disappears." Sam tried to hold in his laugh, thinking his joke was clever.

Before Bucky could reply, the hatch opened.

"Clint is going to get up high and watch the building. We will y/n and him a few minutes before we head into the town." Nat said while holstering her gun and walking up beside them.

Sam looked back into the quinjet, not seeing either of them.

"Where are they?" He said,

"Oh. they jumped a few minutes ago when we got close to the ground." Nat said casually while putting her earpiece in and stepping off of the jet. 

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