Chapter 26: Waking Up

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Bucky reached his hand out to comfort me...

I turned away from him, facing out towards the balcony.

I quickly wiped the tears that had soaked my cheeks, letting out a small chuckle.

When I looked back at Bucky's face, I could see his eyes darting back and forth, assessing the situation.

I didn't mean to brush him off, I really didn't.

I let out a sigh.

Reaching my hand over and putting it on top of his.

"I'm okay." I gave him a smile.

I brought my knees to my chest, hugging them close. It had gotten quite chilly,

Bucky picked up a nearby blanket, cautiously scooting closer to me.

I couldn't help the smile I gave him this time.

He wrapped the blanket around my shoulders, but when he was done, he didn't retreat back to his spot on the other side of the couch.

I guess I was feeling brave tonight.

I don't know if it was from being asleep for so long, or just the look in Bucky's eyes that he kept giving me, but I was feeling brave.

I scooted closer to Bucky, pulling the blanket away from over my shoulders, to cover the both of us.

"You are so warm," I said as I tried to get even closer to him,

He let out a chuckle, lifting his arm and resting it on the back of the couch behind my head.

I took that as my sigh so snuggle in close.

I rested my head on his shoulder.

Usually something like this, especially with Bucky, I'd be too shy and timid to do.

But this?

This was comfortable.

It felt as if we had done this dozens of times.

Like my body and his fit together like a puzzle.

"You don't have to keep going, I—" He said in a low and soothing voice.

I tilted my head up to look him in the eyes.

"I know... but I want to..."

He looked down at me, and just nodded.

I returned my head to his shoulder.

Projecting images again.

(Once again, the story will be told how it has been. Image all the events unfolding are being projected)

When I woke up next, my vision was blurry. I had expected to be looking at the ceiling of a musty motel room, or the back of the driver's seat in my mother's car. That is the sight I had gotten used to in the past few months.

But before I could get my bearings, I felt the most intense pain I had ever felt in my life.

I went to let out a scream, cry out for help, anything.

But, I was already screaming.

I tried to turn my head, move my body. My head wouldn't move, my arms, my legs. I couldn't move them.

With just the smallest slack, I saw my arms strapped down. My head was as well.

I was in a dark gray room, one massive overhead light above me.

I raised my head, or as much as I could.

The sight I saw, made me scream even louder.

I locked eyes with... him.

My father.

His face was covered with a surgical mask, but I knew those eyes. They had haunted my nightmares.

He let out a chuckle, returning his gaze to his task.

My leg, was strapped down, and he was drilling into it.

I know now, he was collecting bone marrow.

I screamed out in pain as he resumed drilling.

I don't know when I blacked out.

When I woke up next, I was in the same room, but it was quiet.

My eyelids felt heavy, my body weak.

I was still strapped down.

I started sobbing, screaming for my mother.

I heard a door open, then slam shut.

I instantly went silent, trying to contain my sobs.

I knew who was in the room.

My father.

If was like every room he went into, the atmosphere changed.

Like the temperature dropped, the air stilling.

It was an instinct I had grown to know.

I just listened to his footsteps echoing in the room, trying to follow where he was just by sound.

When he finally came into my field of vision, his face was cold, neutral, just like always.

But then, the most fearful sight I had ever seen,

He smiled down at me.

"There's my little success story."

I felt like all of the air was stuck in my lungs.

"Where is Mommy?"

I saw his eye twitch at the mention of my mother.

"Your mother... Is just outside."

"Where are we....?"

I said as I struggled against the straps holding me down, feeling the leather dig into my skin.

He paused.

His smile faltered, just a little.

"It's bring your daughter to work day." 

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