Chapter 21: A Sight To See

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Nat was just coming to check on you, she did every day since you've been hurt.

She got off the elevator, walking towards the nurse's station.

"Excuse me." She said. Trying to sound as polite and nonthreatening as possible.

The nurse raised her head from the computer she was staring at. Raising her eyebrows at the redhead, as if she was saying 'yes?' without actually saying the words.

Nat did her best to stay calm and pleasant. Putting on a fake smile and happy voice.

"I was wondering if there have been any updates on Y/n, in room 314?"

The nurse replied with a slow blink, then letting out a sigh, turning back to her computer. Typing away.

Nat's eye twitched at this response.

Looking down at her watch, it was only 10:00 a.m. This lady started her shift at 7. Only 3 hours prior. Why the fuck was she already in a bad mood.

Nat looked around, everything else was calm. Nothing on fire, no blood, and everyone else seemed to be fine.

Who pissed in this lady's cereal this morning?

Nat was about to say something again, wanting to speak with a doctor, but she was interrupted by the cranky nurse.

"She woke up about an hour ago. Doctors want to monitor her for a little longer, then we'll discharge her." the nurse said. Finally letting her gaze return to Nat's face.

"Anything else... Ma'am?" She said the annoyance in her voice was obvious.

Nat gave the nurse a death stare as she began walking toward your room.

You're up.

As Nat opened the door to your room about to scream your name, the oddest sight came into her field of vision. A sight she never thought she'd see. Hell, she couldn't have even imagined it in her wildest dreams.

You were asleep, head on Wanda's shoulder. Wanda's head leaning on yours, snoring.

And the most shocking of it all, Bucky's forehead resting against his forearm on your bed. His head in the crook of his arm, directly next to your sleeping figure. His other hand interlaced with yours.

Nat couldn't believe her eyes.

Three of the deadliest people she has ever met, sleeping. Squished on and around a hospital bed.

Nat had to put her hand over her mouth to hold in her laugh.

Nat turned to leave the room, to let all of you rest, but stopped in her tracks.

No one was going to believe this.

She turned back towards the three of you.

Taking out her phone, and taking a few pictures of the scene in front of her.

She couldn't help herself. If she told anyone about this, they would never believe her.

Nat quietly made her way out of the room, opening her phone to the photo.

Just smiling and giggling at the sight.

Regular POV:

I woke up to Wanda snoring on my head, and Bucky sleeping, resting his head on the bed. Our hands were intertwined.

I don't even remember falling asleep.

They both looked exhausted, Bucky more so.

Neither of them must have gotten much sleep.

I feel bad that they suffered for my mistake.

I wasn't being careful. I usually kill anyone in my path. But Bucky was surrounded. I just needed to get as many of them off and away from him as possible. So instead of shooting them, I multitasked. Killing some, knocking others out.

It was my fault, that guy that shot me, he should have been dead.

I slipped my hand out from under Bucky's very big one. Trying to be as gentle as possible, to not wake him.

I brought my hand down to his face. Resting it on the side of his face.

His eyebrows were scrunched together, and I could see his eyes darting back and forth under his eyelids.

I used my thumb and stroked his cheek gently.

After a few seconds, the tension in his face disappeared. Eyebrows returning to their relaxed state. Eyes stilling.

A small smile grew on my face as I continued to softly stroke his face.

He let out a long sigh, like a sigh of relief.

I just stared at him.

His brown hair falling in his face. His tanned skin.

His five o'clock shadow.

Every wrinkle and freckle.

This man.

Just the sight of him took my breath away.

It felt like I was dreaming. Like he was a dream.

But he was real.

And I was touching him.

I could finally just touch him.

"He really cares about you"

I heard that familiar voice in my head.

I slightly turned my head to look up, my eyes meeting Wanda's. Then returning to Bucky's face.

"I know.." I replied.

"And you care about him."

I smiled, still looking at the beautiful sleeping man beside me.

"I know.."

"He's barely left this room, only leaving if I was here. So he could go shower and bring food back."

My smile grew.

I don't think I'll ever get sick of this view, of him.

We could be locked in a concrete prison, or seeing the most breathtaking sunset, this view.

Him. Being able to touch him, feel him. Smell him. Look at him.

Nothing could be better.

But I felt a pit in my stomach begin to grow. A feeling of guilt, shame.

My smile faded.

The thumb stroking his face stilled.

Realization hit me like a kick to the face.

"I have to tell him..."

I felt Wanda lift her head from mine to look at me. Worry was written on her face.

I turned to look at her. Trying to put on a brave face, giving her a weak smile.

"I have to tell him." I said.

Turning my head back towards Bucky. Using my thumb to resume stroking his face.

I let out a half of a breathy laugh, smiling down at him.

A single tear fell from my eye, rolling down my cheek.

"I have to."

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