Chapter 23: Hot Coco

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I woke up to the all too familiar feeling of Wanda's arm draped over me, and the sound of her snoring.

It wasn't out of the norm for Wanda and me to share a bed, especially when I first arrived at the compound, I wouldn't leave her side.

So this, this was nothing new.

Her face was in the opposite direction of me, as her entire body was spread out in my bed.

I couldn't help but smile. She looked exhausted, this must be the best sleep she has had in a while.

I don't know how I got so lucky to have met her. If it wasnt for Wanda, I don't know where I would be... probably still sitting on the raft, being miserable.

I gently wiggled my way out from beneath Wanda's arm, being careful not to disturb her.

I quietly got out of bed, my legs were feeling a lot more stable than they had been previously.

I crept out of the room. Only a few lights in my apartment were on, the main source of light coming from beneath the door that led to the hall.

I closed the door to my apartment as quietly as I could and walked towards the common room.

It was about 2 in the morning, so the entire compound was asleep.

I made my way to the balcony of the common room.

Taking a deep breath the moment I stepped outside. Feeking the brisk night air, it was pleasant. But I grabbed a blanket from the living room couch and returned outside.

I wrapped myself in the throw blanket and walked to the glass railing that overlooked the grass of the compound.

Leaning on the railing, looking up at the stars.

One of my favorite things about the compound was, despite being decently close to the city, you could still see all of the stars.

I returned my gaze to my hands that were dangling over the railing. The thought of my mom came into my head. A smile grew on my face.

I looked back up to the sky, letting a tiny tingle grow in my body.

Letting my ability flow through my body, an image of my mother appeared in front of me. It wasnt often that I used this little trick, often forgetting about it, because it does not hold much use in the field.

It's similar to a hologram.

I just stared up at the image of my mother, god I miss her.

I heard the slide of the door behind me open and then close.

When I turned, I saw a sleepy-looking Bucky in some plaid pajama pants and long sleeve black shirt. He was sipping out of a steaming mug, walking towards me with another.

I smiled at him, wrapping my hands around the warm mug, smelling the hot chocolate inside.

I returned to looking at the hologram of my mother, while Bucky mimicked my stance, leaning against the railing.

"She's gorgeous."

He said, in almost a whisper.

I smiled, still looking at her face,

"You look so much like her."

I lifted my eyes to look at him beside me, trying to push away the heat I felt race to my cheeks.

He was still looking at my mother as if he didn't realize he said any of that out loud.

I turned my back, the image disappearing as I walked towards the patio set.

"She was a gentle soul," I said, as I turned back towards Bucky, lowering myself onto the couch.

He sent me a confused look, walking towards me, sitting down close but not too close.

"So are you."

I tucked my legs beneath me, wrapping myself in the blanket, holding the mug he gave me close to my chest, and staring down at the hot chocolate.

"I was," I said letting out a sigh.

I waved my hand, and a hologram of my mother and I when I was little appeared. We were both smiling and laughing.

I looked up at the image, taking a sip of the mug.

"I mourned for my mother for a long time," I said. Looking at Bucky,

"But I also mourned for her," I said while gesturing at the hologram.

"For the little girl, I was."

I felt Bucky's eyes looking at me. Confusion and sadness radiated off of him.

I finally looked back towards him.

"There is so much you don't know James," I said, trying not to sound too defeated.

"I think it's time you do." 

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