Chapter 15 : My Lustful thoughts

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The things I would do to you...

Danzel was having a conversation with Conilliouse but in the middle he suddenly remembered that Evanly's bags were still in his car. He quickly excused himself and took out the bags from his car. He went into the mansion with the bags, he went upstairs to Devon's room to ask Evanly where to put the bags. He carefully opened the door, trying not to make noise.

His heart felt a tiny sting as he saw Devon and Evanly sharing a vulnerable moment together. He came to the conclusion that Evanly really didn't feel the same way as he felt about her. He closed the door gently and placed the bags next to the door. He signed heavily and went downstairs. He went out and closed the mansion's doors behind him.

He walked up to Conilliouse and grabbed her hand gently.

", I know I'm going too fast but would you go out on a date with me? I think you're really interesting and I'd like to know you better."

She looked shocked for a second but her face eased and she replied with a smile.

"I'd love to go on a date with you, Danzel."

"Right now, do you want to go for a ride?", he asked.

"Sure, why not.", she replied with a soft smile. "But I have to grab my things in Devon's room."

"Wait! Do you have your phone on you?", he asked.

"Yes?", she replied confused.

"I-i don't think it's good if you go up there.", he quickly replied.

"Oh...okay. Then, Evenly will give me them when I come over again .", she said.

"Come on, hop in and let's go.", he said, getting into his car.

Conilliouse too got into the car and they drove off.


Back at Justin and Evanly's house...

Justin ravaged through the pictures of him and Evanly. Looking at each picture with frustration and pain. He regretted what he had done to Evanly, he realised what he had done was wrong and despicable. Cheating on her was a mistake. He realized how he took advantage of all her love and loyalty to him. He wanted to apologize to her and try to convince her to come back to him but there was something else that he had to do to convince her. Their relationship had some dark secrets hidden away from everyone.

He grabbed a picture of Evanly. She looked so beautiful, happy and free. That was the first picture he took of her when their relationship was still blossoming but as he looked at recent pictures, he saw that her beautiful smile was fading away bit by bit and he knew why.

Tears rolled down his cheeks. He was feeling so frustrated with himself, he missed Evanly terribly and he didn't even know where she was. It has been five days and she hasn't come back.

You really fucked up this time Justin. It wasn't bad enough that you mistreated her and lashed out at her for our entire relationship but now you fucken cheat on her!? I'm such a dick! And a bad husband! FUCK!!!

No! I'm going to get her back. She's mine and she knows that. She's a good girl, she'll listen and be obedient. I'm still her husband!


Back at Devon's mansion...


"She's finally sleeping...", I whispered as I gently brushed her hair with my hand.

She looked so peaceful. These past few months she had been very stressed about her marriage and then when she found out about the affair, it really broke her. I want to be there for her, comfort her and make her happy again.

I can't go forward with this bet anymore. I think it's best if I call it off and let her go. I don't want to hurt her, she's been through a lot already. But...the thought of not seeing her again after our contract comes to an end, is not sitting right with me.

I set up straight in bed and looked at her. She was so beautiful and peaceful. I don't know why anyone would want to leave such a girl like her. I know i wouldn't.

I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and turned it on. I looked through my social media. I saw on the Los-Weeks News article from Google that our company was still going great but I saw that my name was on the article as well.

"Mr. Devon Marscinos still recovering from a brutal car accident. All employees and his big brother wish him a speedy recovery"

I was touched by their kind gesture. I kept on going through my phone and stumbled upon a picture of Evanly. I hadn't realized that I had a picture of her. Evanly... That's a lie. I was basically stalking her back then. Gosh I'm such a creep.

I turned my phone off, clicked a button on my bedside table and all the lights in the room turned off. I layed back into the pillow and covered Evanly with a blanket. I suddenly had the urge to hug her but it turned into more. I wanted to hold her in my arms, feel her body against mine, kiss her...touch her, taste her...Fuck! Why was I having such thoughts! Come on Devon, keep it together...I thought I stopped doing that.


Some time in the middle of the night, I woke up drenched in sweat. I just had 'that' dream again. I Thought I stopped having them. These...wet dreams were so surreal. It felt as if it were all true and that I was in fact having exotic sex with her...

The dreams would start with her saying she trusts me, then I kiss her pationatly, savoring every last bit of that kiss. Then it flashed to her magnificent body. Those curves, big breasts and beautiful light, brown skin. Her moans felt so real, the way she clenched my hand and arched her back, the way she looked at me with those beautiful green eyes of hers. A look that said 'I want you!'

I could feel my self getting aroused by this, it felt like I was going to explode then I bolted awake, drenched in sweat and my cock was hard as a rock. Now she's right beside me but...her arm is wrapped around my waist, her thigh is resting on my thigh.


Fuck this feels agonizing, I'm going to explode. I'm rock hard and here she is resting her thigh on my thigh!. Fuck! I better move her before something bad happens.

I gently push her thigh off my cock and remove her arms from my waist. She moans faintly and wraps her arm around my waist again, inching closer to me. At this point, my dick was throbbing. I swear I'm going to explode if she doesn't get off right now!

This was getting worse, but i have to hold myself. I can do it.

"No, no, I'm...sorry...please don't hit me again...I'," I hear a faint whimper coming from her.

I turn to look at her and saw that she's...crying?!


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