Chapter 40 : Awake...

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Her once emerald eyes glimmered again, her beauty shining like a bright star in the sky...


I stood there in shock, unsure of what to do. Her darted around before they landed on me. Her eyebrows grew wide, a look of recognition appeared on her face.

I slowly walked up to her, trying to be as silent as a mouse. A mixture of feelings came over me, tears formed in my eyes, I was at a loss for words. My heart beat thump loudly, I felt dazed. It was as if the realisation hit me like a ton of bricks.

Before I could make out what to say or do, I heard her, barely audible with a soft yet tired voice.

"Danzel...", the room immediately filled with silence. My heart raced, I knelt down beside her, tears rolling down my cheeks. I quickly stood up and set beside her. She slowly lifted herself up and set up straight. Without even thinking, I hugged her tightly,  wrapping my arms around her tightly, I buried my face into her shoulder.

I couldn't believe she was awake. After a year, she finally woke up. I pulled back and as looked at her, she looked dazed and In shock. I quickly pressed the button beside her bed and within seconds, a doctor and two nurses came running in.

They stopped in third tracks, also in shock.

"She's awake", one nurse gasped.

They quickly began performing some test while i was escorted out of the room. Still in shock, I set down by the bench, took out my phone and dialed Devon's numbers.

The phone rang for a few seconds, then he picked up.

"Danzel, what's up?", he asked.

I took a deep breath and answered.

"She...she...Evanly's Awake...", the line went silent. He must have been in shock.

"Evanly is awake...?", 

"Yes", I sighed.

The line went silent. I think he might have passed or on his way. Yeah, he's probably on his way.

I leaned back into the bench and ran my fingers through my hair. I thought about Conillious and how she's about to give birth soon. I turned on my phone and called her.

"Hey babe..."

"Hey, are you okay? You sound tired my love.", she asked concerned.

"I...I have something to tell you.", I hesitated.

"What is it my love?", she asked tenderly but a hint of worry lingered in her voice.

"Evanly is...Awake.", I said. The line went silent then a faint sniffle was heard. Was she crying.

"You're not lying to me, are you? Please tell me it's true! Please tell me my best friend is really awake!", more sniffles came through.

"I swear on my heart, I would never lie to you. She's awake. Don't you want to see her?"

"Of course I want to see her! Oh thank the heavens! Thank the heavens!", she cried out loud with joy. "I'll be there as soon as possible.", she hung up.

What about her family, her mother, her father and her.....oh right. Sometimes I think about how she was treated and why sister despises her so much. It really pained me to see her own sister speak such incompetent and ruthless words. She has been through a lot and no was there to help her.


"Devon where the hell are you going! Devon! Devon don't ignore me, please!",  Darria shouted behind Devon, who was frantically packing his belongings. He had an alarmed yet sad look on his face.

"Devon Merthias Marscinos if you do not answer me this instant, I will slap you right into that fucking lamp! What is going on?", Darria grabbed his arm and yanked him aside. Devon looked up at her with a look of pain in his eyes. Darria held his hand and began gently caressing his face.

"Devon, please tell me what's going on, what happened? Why are you behaving this way and where are you going?", she stared at him for a while. "I'm worried about you, brother. You were fine before then the next moment you are acting like this. What is wrong?"

He looked down then took a deep breath. With a deep, rugged voice, he spoke up. "I'm sorry, Darria. When I heard that she was awake, my mind just went blank and I couldn't think straight. I was acting rationally. I'm sorry for worrying you.", he hugged her gently.

"Who's awake?", she asked. Silence endured them for a bit then he answered.

"Remember when I told you about a woman whom I had fallen head over hills in love with? The woman whom I had vowed to protect with my life at all cost? The woman whom I had longed for my whole life? She has awoken after a long time of being in a medically induced coma and I'm flying back to see her."

"Really? Then I will accompany you back to Los Angeles. I'd like to see this mysterious woman whom my brother loves so much.", she smiled at him.

They both began packing as quickly as possible whilst their parents where away on some family business trip. After finishing, Darria opted to book plan tickets that are leaving way the following day because it was 2 am in the morning and there probably wasn't a flight leaving for Los Angeles.

"Darria we can just use our private jet? You can fly it since you have been trained, right?"


She took a minute to think about it.
She hesitated at first but agreed. I went up to the roof top garage where we kept our jet. I loaded all our luggage and waited for Darria who went to the bathroom. As I stood my the roof top, the cold air hitting men my hair swaying with the wind. I felt my heart skip a beat just thinking about seeing her again. I dreamt of this day coming, the day she would wake up, the day I would see her again and now it has finally come.

Evanly my Amor,  I shall come to you and embrace you like I have never before. I will show you how much I love and care about you. How much it broke me to be away from you, to see you in that state. I will give you my all.

~To be continued...~

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