Don't do it please (Part 1 of a series)

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TW: Mentions of gender stereotypes, slightly??? s3x!st language, 0$tr@c!z!ng, [sewerslidal] thoughts, and [sewerslide] ideation.

Part 1/??? of a miniseries of extras I'm making called; Ruv's worries.

The Maximov(a) family were sitting on the floor and in a circle, playing Truth or Dare.

"Midget #2, truth or dare?" Selever asked.

"Truth." Melody replied.

"How do you really feel about sorceress-[bish]'s (aka Circe) daughter?" Selever asked.

"She's a great friend." Melody answered. "Also please don't call her mom a b-word."

'Oh c'mon!' Selever said in his mind. 'When is she gonna realize she has a crush on that girl?!?!'

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"My turn!" Melody turned to her great-grandfather. "Praded, truth or dare?"

Krus was about to open his mouth to say truth, but realized that he's been picking truth in all his turns and that...maybe he should give dare a chance. It never hurts to try a new thing, right?

"Dare." Krus answered. "But please don't make me do anything too bad."

Melody mentally squealed. Her plan was working!

"It's not that bad, don't worry. I dare you to sit in the bathtub of one of the bathrooms with dedushka using the bath bombs me and mamachka brought last week."

Everyone turned to Melody with '[Bish], wtf?' written all over their faces.

"I'd be willing to do it." Krus said. "But only if Ruv wants to."

Everyone turned to Ruv, who sighed and relented. "Fine, but only because you want me to."

"Great!" Melody said. "But before you go, please socialize with each other for at least a minute."

"Alright." Ruv and Krus said in unison before walking off with Melody and Essie to go to the bathroom.

"Isn't that hypocritical for her?" Penelope asked. "She told praded and dedushka to have a conversation with each other, while she isn't into making friends that much and prefers to not socialize with others outside of the people she's already close and familiar with."

"Definitely." Everyone else replied.


That's how Krus and Ruv wound up sitting insilence in the bath tub of the bathroom in the latter's bedroom. Thanks to thebath bombs that Melody brought, the water was pink, and while Krus wouldn't admit it, pink was his favorite color, so he spent a lot of the time staring at the water and tuning out the world while Ruv looked everywhere except at his father.

"Pink is your favorite color?" Ruv asked, snapping Krus out of his thoughts.

"N-No!" Krus sputtered out. Growing up, he was always told that pink was a 'girl color' and that blue was a 'boy color', so whenever someone asked what his favorite color was, he'd lie and say it was blue because he didn't want to receive backlash and be 0$tr@c!z3d.

"You don't have to lie, y'know?" Ruv asked. "What color you like the most doesn't align with whether you're a [bish], a *bleep*tard or enby, and if it makes you feel better; Selever's favorite color is purple."

Rather than feeling disgusted, like he should've been, Krus felt relieved that he wasn't alone and couldn't help but snicker.


"Yes. But don't tell him I told you that. He gets aggressive."

Krus burst out into a fit of giggles. "I'll keep that in mind. I won't tell a soul."

We love you (so please don't go) [EXTRA EDITION!!!]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora