Archery (Part 4 of a series)

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TW: Attempted $@ and [seggsual] harassment

Ruv, Krus, Selever, and Rasazy walked in an establishment called 'Artemis' Archery Classes' and were greeted by a 7ft tall woman with auburn hair that was tied in a ponytail and gray eyes who wore a white hoodie, denim jeans and green boots with brown soles.

"Good morning, guys!" The woman said. "You came earlier than expected, but come in! We just opened!"

"Hey Artemis." Ruv greeted. "I heard from Hestia that you started archery classes and me, my father, and my children wanted to try."

The woman, Artemis, smiled. "Ah, I see."

She turned to Krus. "You must be Ruv's father; Krusveto. Your family has told me a lot about you and your lover, especially your son and my nieces."

Krus' expression softened and he tilted his head in confusion that only Ruv was to blame for. "Really?"

"Yes. It's nice to finally meet you in person, Krusveto."

Krusveto couldn't help but smile and shake her hand. "Likewise, Artemis."

"What are we waiting for? Let's start." They followed Artemis to a room where four archery targets could be seen.

The goddess turned to them. "Who wants to go first?"

"I will." Ruv volunteered.

"Alright." Artemis snapped her fingers, summoning a bow and a bow case. "You can shoot as many arrows at a target as you want, but don't get too carried away and leave some for your family."

Ruv nodded before taking an arrow and shooting it at the target. He continued shooting arrows at it until a message was formed.

Together, all the arrows on the bullseye formed the words; "I love you all" on it.

"D'aw!!" Selever and Rasazy cooed while Artemis smiled and Krus looked on with a stone-cold expression that, again, only Ruv could be blamed for.

"Who's next?" Artemis asked.

"I...want to go next." Krus said.

"Alright." Artemis said as Ruv gave his father the bow.

Krus got an arrow, aimed at another target in the room, and shot the arrow.

"Bullseye." Ruv muttered as the arrow hit the center of the target. While he may have seemed emotionless on the outside, deep down, he was both astonished and proud of his father.

"Woah..." Rasazy breathed out.

"Slay, dedushka!" Selever cheered while Krus' eyes were as wide as saucers and his mouth was agape.

Artemis chuckled. "Impressive. It isn't everyday someone manages to hit the center during their first time doing something like this."

Before anyone could reply, the target shattered to pieces and all that was left was it's stand and everyone looked at the now, broken target in shock at how strong Krus was.

"I'm so sorry, miss!" Krus apologized. "I did NOT mean to do that! How much was it? I'll pay you."

"There's no need for that, don't worry." Artemis reassured.

"What? I thought-"

"For most establishments, yes, you have to pay for it if you break it." Artemis said, cutting Krus off. "But for me, I'm making an exception. I'll ask Hephaestus to fix it later. For now, though..."

She turned to Selever and Rasazy. "Which one of you wants to go next?"


A week later, Krus and Hestia were at a park, just talking and drinking milkshakes until an obviously inebriated Zeus went over to Krus and looked at him seductively.

"Hey, handsome~"

Krus turned to the thunder god. "Hello, Zeus."

"Wanna go to a bar with me? I'm paying~"

Realizing what Zeus was implying, Krus was disgusted, but kept a straight face and firmly told him no and that he wasn't interested.

"Come on~" Zeus grabbed the ex-officers. "It'll be fun~"

"Oi!" The three turned to Ruv, who had an expression of anger and disdain on his face. "He said no! [Funk] off and find someone else to flirt with!"

"What are you gonna do about it, peasa-" Before the god could finish, the Russian criminal punched him in the face and, dragging Krus and Hestia with him, dropped Hestia off at her apartment before running all the way to he and Krus' house.

Ruv skidded to a stop and started panting when he reached the church.

Krus eyed his half-full water bottle and decided to give it to Ruv. Just because he distanced himself from his son due to fear of being hurt again, doesn't mean that he won't help him when he needs it.

"Thanks." Ruv said after catching his breath and drinking enough water to quench his thirst.

"No problem." Krus said, taking his water bottle from his son. "Thank you as well."

"Don't mention it." Ruv said as Krus gave him a pat on the shoulder before turning away and walking in their house.

Ruv took out his phone and texted Hestia before following his father.

Ruv: Papa gave me some water and a pat on the shoulder when we got home before distancing himself from and barely interacting with me the rest of the day.

Ruv: He doesn't completely trust me (which is completely understandable, considering how much of a cyka blyat I've been to him these past couple of months), but progress is being made.

Hestia: That's a good start. :)

We love you (so please don't go) [EXTRA EDITION!!!]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora