Chapter 5: The enemy of women is myself?!

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A few days has passed and undoubtfully, Kiryu truly understood the bizarreness of Mash's words to him when she first talked about how some heroic spirits had different forms from the people they knew in todays history to back then, for example, Charles Babbage, Kiryu had heard of the name a few times pop up in Haruka's mouth, a man important credited with having conceived the first automatic digital computer during his time was now turned into a large steam machine. Truly bizarre Kiryu would call it. Not to mention, a lot of the servants who were perceived as males by humanity were in theory either the different sex or held a completly different form or serval variants of heroic spirits; one being the King Of Britain, King Arthur.. ahh well King Artoria as some called her.

Kiryu could not help but feel like he had burned himself out. Two fights on his first day of being summoned and the latter being a scolding from Fujimaru about not fighting people without being levelled up? level up was something simple apparently to youngsters about leveling up their skill and power to grow stronger. Still Fujimaru was shocked when he heard I beat both Mordred and Mandricardo. Apparently they were both at level 100 and presented with grails to increase their capabilities? truly bizarre.

However, lately, servants of the opposite sex have been giving stares at him calling him "Fergus" or a clone of Fergus. Who the hell was he? why did the servants only the opposite sex call him Fergus? he didn't know why but he had been determined to find out.

Not long after, Kiryu met the gaze of another women, this time Kiryu caught her gaze and as she yelped and tried to run, Kiryu called for her.


Kiryu ran after her in his regular set without using any styles and caught up to her. And then to the corner of his eye appeared a hot bar.

Servant: Caster of Nightless City
Class: Caster
Alias: Scheherazade

"Miss Scheherazade, please wait, I need your help for something."

"Oh please, do not ask of me to preform such actions with you, ever since that singularity of your younger self, I could not bear to look at you that way.."

The hell? singularity? younger self? what was she talking about, perhaps she met a younger him which was a variable but he highly doubted it, after all, he was a snot noised arrogant brat when he was younger so he sure as hell felt bad for her if she had to deal with a younger version of him, maybe he freaked her out by asking her a weird question.. probably.

"So please, Fergus, do not ask me such silly questions for those types of nights please.."

Again, who the HELL was this Fergus bastard? was he that much of a bastard to ask women shamelessly? sure Kiryu's done some odd things when he was 20 but to say that to women without knowing them personally was surely a disgusting thing.

"Miss, you must have me confused with someone, if you could guide me to this Fergus fellow, perhaps I could straighten him out?"

"Ah.. I thought you were Fergus or another version of him.. I am sorry sir.. please don't kill me.."

"No worries ma'am, I never hurt women, to kill one would be a immoral act from me, I would never go to any lengths to do that."

The women seemed a bit surprised by the answer but gave a small smile before telling Kiryu of the Chaldea bar and to find Fergus there.

( Flash-forward to Kiryu getting lost before Mash finds him )

"Ah! Kiryu-san, are you okay? do you require any help? if so I am here to help!"

Heh. She was adorable, she reminded him of Haruka, helpful, kind and always looking out for others, he quickly got out of his day dreaming state and answered the young girls question.

"Yes Mash, I was on my way to the Chaldea bar but I got a bit lost going around so I was wandering if you could lead me there?"

Mash nodded silently, she knew what was there and she knew the reason why Kiryu was going to there. To meet the womaniser Fergus. To Mash, Kiryu was like a saint to all and Fergus, the devil to all women and men alike, she hoped that Kiryu roughened him up a bit to teach him a lesson as to not ask women for one night stands out of the blue.

( Mash and Kiryu walk around talking some more before getting to the Chaldea bar )

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