Chapter 10: Battles before the finale (Singularity 2.0)

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The Chaldea group and their Yakuza allies charged into battle, their determination palpable as they faced off against the three lieutenants at the top of the skyscraper. The two groups came face to face with the 3 lieutenants seeing them healed up but with Kuze behind the two men who came forward. To their side, much to the two Kiryu's and Nishikis rage, Kazama, their adoptive father laid strapped to a bed unconscious and bloodied. 

( Group 1: Kiryu (R) Jaguar Man, Goro Majima (A) and Fujimaru )
( Group 2: Musashi, Emiya and Hans )
( Group 3: Kiryu (Y0), Nishiki Goro Majima (Y0) )

( We look into the first battle to start )

Female Musashi Miyamoto stood at the forefront of the group, her dual blades glinting in the light as she prepared to face off against Awano readying her blades.

"Looks like we've got a feisty one," Awano chuckled, cracking his knuckles as he faced off against the legendary swordswoman. "Let's see if you can handle this!"

Awano lunged forward with his fists, but Musashi deftly dodged out of the way, countering with a swift strike to his side that sent him reeling backwards. Emiya (Archer) provided backup, raining down swords from above and getting closer with Kanshou and Bakuya in his hands attacking Awano to which Awano quickly dodged around not trying to get hit while Hans Christian Anderson buffed the two servants attacks with his magic as well as noting down the events in the fight for his story.

( Meanwhile with group 1: Kuze hitlist )

Meanwhile, Kiryu (Ruler) and Jaguar Man faced off against Kuze, their attacks bouncing off his tough armour like skin. Majima Goro (Assassin) darted around the battlefield in his Mad Dog State, striking from the shadows with his stealthy attacks and quick attacks but to no success.

"He's reinforced his body with the grails power, it is tougher, but it won't hold forever!"

Kiryu (Ruler) yelled, his fists pounding against the Kuze's body stunning Kuze for a brief few seconds.

 "Keep hitting him until he breaks!"

( With group 3: The Y0 group )

Nishiki and Goro Majima (Yakuza 0) fought against Shibusawa, their combined attacks driving him back, an odd pair of yakuza men who would never work with each other coming to terms to fight a common foe.

"You'll pay for what you've done to Kazama!"

 Nishiki spat out in rage.

The battle between the three yakuza warriors and the empowered Shibusawa was intense, with each fighter unleashing their full potential. Majima stepped forward, cracking his knuckles and grinning at Shibusawa.

"Hey, old man, you're looking a little rough around the edges. How about I give you a taste of my baseball bat?"

Shibusawa sneered and launched himself at Majima, fists flying. Majima swung his trusty baseball bat, blocking the blows with ease. He then landed a heavy hit to Shibusawa's ribs, causing the older man to stagger back.

Shibusawa charged forward, delivering a flurry of quick jabs and kicks. Majima used his thug style to counter, parrying the blows with his forearms and delivering powerful punches of his own.

Meanwhile, Kiryu and Nishikiyama were holding their own against Shibusawa throwing their own punches and kicks in. Kiryu ducked and weaved, delivering powerful strikes to Shibusawa's midsection. Nishikiyama used his karate-based street fighting to deliver precise kicks to Shibusawa's legs and ribs.

The battle raged on, with each fighter pushing themselves to their limits. Majima switched to his breaker style, spinning his bat in a deadly dance and landing crushing blows on Shibusawa's arms and legs. Shibusawa staggered, his strength waning.

 " can't defeat me! I am the strongest!"

Shibusawa exclaimed in a fit of rage. 

Kiryu and Nishikiyama rushed forward, flanking Shibusawa. They nodded at each other, a silent understanding passing between them. Together, they unleashed their full power.

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