七. 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧 ☯︎

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Both of them stood in complete silence studying each other for a moment or two when suddenly, the assassin drew out her sword and pointed it at Li Liang.

"Were you the one that cast the Huli in the mist?" she asked. Her voice wasn't as deep as Li Liang expected but her tone was demanding and firm.

"The what?" Li Liang inquired. Huli, or the Symbol of the Fox was a symbol for the Alchemists who practised dark sorcery and they casted it whenever they sensed danger.

"Answer me, were you or were you not the one who casted the Huli?" she asked again.

"No, I did not," Li Liang answered. "Iㅡ"

"Who are you? Are you here to hunt me down?" the assassin asked.

"Listen, I mean no harm to youㅡ" Li Liang started but suddenly the the Blind Assassin shot an arrow towards him and he was cut off. He waved his hand towards the arrow and a ball of wind held it in the air before it reached him.

"...You have Kongqi," the assassin said, quietly.

"Yes, but never mind that. I am not here to harm you with my powers. I am here to learn about your scheme," he said.

The assassin scoffed, "My scheme? Who are you even, to question my scheme? You are here for me, so let's end this quickly."

The woman lunged forward with her sword and just in time, Li Liang took out his sword and both of their weapons met with a deafening clang. Li Liang injected his Energy into his sword which glowed and with surprise watched as the assassin's sword did the same.

"Please listen to me," Li Liang said as calmly as possible as he felt all his Energy draining away into the sword. The assassin, too, looked like she was trying hard to keep her sword intact. She jumped back and the Energy between the clashed swords broke.

"Please listen to me. I, too, seek revenge from the Emperor and his cronies. We could be allies, just tell me about your scheme. I want us to work together," Li Liang said, panting.

"Join forces with you? Do not be in the delusion that I will work with some mere fool like you," the assassin said and once again, their swords clashed with each other. Sparks flew in the air as metal met metal creating a shower of lights in the dark forest. Both the swords glowed with Energy as they countered and dodged each other's attacks with speed and skill.

The woman's talent was truly admirableㅡ despite being blind and shorter than him, she could fight with as much skill as someone with full vision and a strong build.

Li Liang was running out of breath again. He was staggering and before he even realised it, he was slammed against a tree trunk, the assassin's blade pointing at his heart. She was panting and struggling to keep her sword in position. She started in a shaky voice, "It's over for you. Nobody escapes from the edge of my blade."

"Please... listen to me. I want to rip the Royal officials and people who work for the Royal family into pieces too. They are insolent fools andㅡ Ouch!"
The assassin nudged him with the sword but he clasped it before it could rip him open.

"Who are you? What have you got to do with the Emperor?" the assassin asked.

"It doesn't matter. But I am aware of the foul things that happen in the Empire and how they are encouraged by the Emperorㅡ" he gasped as the assassin tried to free the sword from his grip and his blood trickled down the shining metal.
"I am as much against such things as you are and I could act as a spy for you. Please consider me an ally!"

"Your hatred towards the Emperor doesn't compete with mine. So you don't need to disappoint the Emperor for no reason," the assassin said. "Disappoint him by getting yourself killed by my hands tonight instead."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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