Chapter 3

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The next afternoon, the photography club had an announcement. When Yi Shang arrived, a group of people shouted "Vi Shang's here" and directly surrounded him. His xuejie walked over and checked him up and down, then nodded, "Snooty."

"Why are you attacking me as soon as I arrive?" Recently, there were more and more things that Yi Shang didn't understand.

"Nothing, just want to use you for a photoshoot." Xuejie explained, "You're very suitable for the promotion photos for recruiting new members.

"If you want promotion photos, borrow people from the cosplay, model clubs, and such. If anything, you can even go find the anime club. What do you want with me?" Yi Shang came here to take photos, he didn't want to become a model for no reason.

"If you want me to praise you, just say it directly." Xueiie rolled her eyes. "Aren't you the mascot of our club? Do you know how many people joined our club because of you?"

"But didn't most of them quit? They didn't come for photography, so very few of them stuck to it."

"But weren't there some who stuck to the end? Pull them in first, and then talk later." Xueiie was irritated. "Why are you so difficult? It's a good thing that I wasn't persistent in pursuing you. Anyway, I'm telling you, you must do it no matter what."

"Fine." Seeing that his xuejie's attitude was firm, Yi Shang agreed and sighed. He really didn't like having physical contact with other people. Promotion photos will definitely consist of physical contact. Guess he'll just have to overcome it when the time comes.

"See? It would've been much simpler if you agreed earlier." Xuejie was very satisfied, then turned to go elsewhere.

Yi Shang was a bit helpless, he unconsciously searched for Lin Xia's figure in the crowd, but he didn't see him. He was somewhat curious as to why Lin Xia didn't come today.
Xuejie left but returned, "By the way, in addition to people, photos of all kinds of scenery items are also part of it. You can select some satisfactory works and send them to me. After I edit them, we will have a meeting next week to vote for the photos."

"Sure, no problem."

"One more thing, besides your solo photo, you also need to take photos with someone else

"Got it, xuejie." Yi Shang was already mentally prepared.

"Got it, xuejie." Yi Shang was already mentally prepared.

"No, you don't get it." Xuejie revealed a mysterious smile, " want you to take photos with a guy."

"Mn?" Yi Shang tilted his head and stared at her.
"The theme of guy x girl and the theme of girl x girl are already set. We only have the theme of guy x guy left, so you have to do it."

"Guy and guy?" Yi Shang was somewhat at a loss. It's not impossible to sacrifice himself for art, but it's just a bit awkward.

"Don't tell me you still discriminate against guy x guy." Xuejie was impatient, she almost rolled her eyes all the way to the sky when she saw Yi Shang's hesitation.

"Don't put a label on me. I respect all sexual orientations. I'm just a little surprised, that's all."
Yi Shang quickly stated his position.

Among his high school peers, there was a top student who was gay. Back then, it caused quite a stir and in the end, that student had to drop out of school. As for whether he transferred out or decided to stop attending, Yi Shang also wasn't sure.

At that time, the rumors spread wildly. It was also then that Yi Shang learned about homosexuality. Later, he discovered that one of his good friends was also gay.

"Okay then." Xuejie was satisfied. "It's unconfirmed but it might be Lin Xia doing the photoshoot with you. He didn't come today so I'll ask him on WeChat."

"Oh, Lin Xia." Yi Shang was absorbed in his thoughts.

At any rate, she had once liked Yi Shang before. So seeing Yi Shang's expression, she could somewhat guess what Yi Shang was thinking, she joked, "Why? You're not rejecting it anymore because the other guy's good-looking?"

"I wouldn't reject anyone, okay?" Yi Shang said and urged her to leave. "Xuejie, since you're such a busy person, I won't delay your time anymore, you can go."
Xuejie clicked her tongue and turned away, continuing to work on her unfinished business.

In the evening, when she was using a face mask, she remembered that she hadn't sent a message to ask Lin Xia yet. So she picked up her phone and asked Lin Xia: The group decided to have you take promotion photos together with Yi Shang. Comrade Lin Xia, it's a difficult task, but the group hopes that you can overcome all difficulties and complete the task.

Lin Xia was sitting on a chair when he saw this message, he almost thought he had vision problems. Joy spread throughout his heart to every part of his body. Happiness came so suddenly that Lin Xia felt unreal.

Lin Xia suddenly got up from the chair and startled his roommates. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and calm down, then decided to refuse the offer after returning.

Lin Xia didn't go to the photography club today because one, he really did have something to do, and two, he wanted to avoid seeing Yi Shang. Since he had already decided not to indulge any deeper, he has to take action, it can't just be all talk.

Lin Xia replied to his xuejie: Sorry xuejie, I have something to do on Saturday, I can't do it.
Xuejie replied quickly: It's okay, we can change the time for you, Sunday works too.
Lin Xia: I'm also busy on Sunday.

Xuejie looked at Lin Xia's messages and sighed. Her face mask almost slipped off from worry.
She replied: Nevermind then.

Then she tapped into Yi Shang's chat: Lin Xia won't shoot, we're changing to someone else.
The moment Yi Shang saw this message, he couldn't understand Lin Xia even more. Didn't he say he liked him?

He typed to reply immediately: Why?

Xuejie also replied quickly: He said he has something to do, I'm assuming he just doesn't want to do the photoshoot with you.

Yi Shang inexplicably felt like he was being despised. Whatever, Yi Shang didn't force it, he replied: Fine then.

Right after Yi Shang replied, he turned off his phone and was ready to write his homework when his phone rang. Yi Shang murmured in a low voice, "Could it be Lin Xia?"

The author has something to say:
Guess if it's Lin Xia (*^▽^*)

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