Chapter 28

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[Oh shit!! I made it in time for the new melon?! Boyfriend?? First year?? As I thought, a handsome guy and another handsome guy are the best match!!]

[Fresh dog food? Awesome!! You guys are a pair!!]

[Hurry up and fight! Hurry up and fight! Handsome bro, you should talk more shit!! Qi shi over there, quickly come look! Then fight back!!]

[Why should we take whatever you say as the truth? Why does this look so fake...

I'm from the same high school as you guys, same grade. How come I never heard of you guys being in contact? On the other hand, I've indeed heard of the rumor that Lin Xia likes Qi Shi.]

The comments were endless, but most of them were friendly. Yi Shang's Weibo post actually acted in Qi Shi's favor. However, Lin Xia wasn't worried, how long will Qi shi's popularity gained from negativity stay?

However, there was an unexpected situation. The next day, the dean of the department came to find Lin Xia. Though he didn't really say anything other than asking Lin Xia to pay attention to the impact and don't make things too big, since it'll be bad for the school's image.

Today, Qi Shi spent the whole day bouncing around online and bumbling about. At seven o'clock in the evening, Qi Shi still had not made any statement. So Lin Xia sent a lawyer's letter to Qi Shi's school, not to Qi Shi himself.

Next, he used Yi Shang's Weibo account to make a statement:
I will only respond this one time to the rumors online.

1. I have never liked that former classmate. In regards to my sexual orientation, it's not worth becoming a topic, there's nothing to discuss.

2. Please see all sides of the story. I hope that all netizens can keep their eyes open and will not get used by those who only want to make money.

Finally, I'm sorry to have brought some bad influence to the school. This is a good school, I welcome everyone to apply to our school.

The comments this time around were pretty much all friendly. There were even some people who had the leisure to joke: I would love to apply to your school, but your school doesn't want to accept me [crying]

At about eleven o'clock in the evening, Qi Shi called Lin Xia. Lin Xia clicked to record before answering. As soon as the call was connected, Qi Shi's voice came out of rage, "You really looked for a lawyer? Are you crazy?"

"This is merely a lawyer's letter. If you don't delete and apologize, I will file a lawsuit."

"Are you really out of your mind?" Qi shi just came back from the head of the department. The school said that if he tarnished the school's image again, he would be expelled. Although he was faced with a delay in graduation because of failing courses, his parents would scold him to death if he was really expelled. "You got a lawyer's letter for this tiny matter? You're that much of a sore loser? No wonder you were like a girl during the first year of high school."

"I don't really find this whole thing funny." Lin Xia doesn't care about his image in Qi Shi's mind, "I also don't think I should be criticized for my personality."

"Fuckk off, don't give me any of this." Qi Shi kicked the chair. "If it weren't for me, would you turn out like this? I make you better and better, but you harmed me instead."

Lin Xia read all the posts Qi Shi made on Weibo these days. It's not that he really wanted to see them, but that his roommates kept showing them to him almost in real time.

"I think you're mistaken. I did not become better because of you, but Yi Shang."

"Full of bullshit."

"If you want to live in your own world, then fine." Lin Xia doesn't want to say anything more. "By the way, let me tell you again. I have recordings of both calls in my hand. Apologize as soon as possible. If you pester me again, I will fully expose them. I have plenty of time to spend."

"You are so fucking insidious." Qi Shi said and hung up.
Lin Xia doesn't know how Qi Shi became an internet celebrity. So many public figures flopped because of recordings, yet Qi Shi wasn't careful at all.

After another two days, Qi Shi still didn't respond. Lin Xia put the recording of the first call online. The matter became more and more serious. Lin Xia had nothing to worry about, he was in the right in the first place. If this becomes a bad impact for the school, at most he'll have no scholarship, but it's different for Qi Shi.

Next, Qi Shi's school, under pressure, sent out an official notice announcing that Qi Shi had been expelled.

After the result came out, Qi Shi called again and said, "It's all your fault."

"You provoked me first online. I also gave you an opportunity, and you getting expelled has nothing to do with me?" Lin Xia learned about Qi Shi's situation at school, failing and retaking numerous courses, then being dazzled by the fast money he made online. "You are bent on depravity, it's your own fault."

"Anyway, I have no way out now. Might as well fight till the end."

"Doesn't matter, I'm willing to give you traffic, but what's on the internet nowadays is updated so fast, it won't take long for everyone to leave, how long can your false prosperity last?" Lin Xia won't say anything else online, so how long can Qi Shi's one-man show last?

This time, Lin Xia took the lead and hung up. He no longer cared what Qi Shi was doing online. In the end, he received a real-time report from his roommates a few days later that Qi Shi's account was banned.

The next day, Qi Shi switched accounts. This time, he apologized. He didn't lose his head and continued spewing nonsense. Lin Xia looked at Qi Shi's apology on Weibo. Even though Qi Shi was reluctant, he still apologized so he could continue making money. Although his online celebrity career was pretty much over.

Lin Xia suddenly recalled how they became friends in the first year of high school. Qi Shi wore his school uniform and had a clean, bright smile. Now, things have changed.

After this incident, Yi Shang and Lin Xia attracted much more attention in school. Sometimes, they'll be walking together without doing anything, yet everywhere they pass, there will be many girls who think they are stealthy and peek at them. However, Lin Xia can feel that their gazes are friendly.

There are even CP? fans of him and Yi Shang on the internet. Although Lin Xia doesn't understand what these people are doing, it's fine as long as it doesn't affect them.

After the matter settled, Yi Shang and Lin Xia went out to see a movie on the weekend. At the end of the movie, during the ending credits, everyone left one after another. Lin Xia has a habit of watching the credits all the way through.

Naturally, Yi Shang accompanied Lin Xia. He turned on his phone and looked at the 99+ in the upper right corner of his WeChat app. He first thought something big happened and was afraid that Qi Shi mightive done something again. He tapped in and discovered that they were Xiao Ling's messages, which were full of words and emotes expressing shock.

Yi Shang was speechless for a moment, and replied: Why are you so late?

Xiao Ling replied: I don't pay attention to those online things. If I hadn't seen it in a classmate's Moments, I would still be in the dark.

Xiao Ling: Why is your life so good!!! Lin Xia was my crush in high schoo!!!

Yi Shang: Want to die?

Xiao Ling: It's just the yearning for handsome guys, you already know, there are thousands of guys I had crushes on. The one I like now is my prince charming.

Yi Shang: It's been so long, you still haven't wooed him?
Xiao - King of All Talk - Has Not Yet Taken Action - Ling: Die!!!!
Yi Shang looked at the chat, absorbed in his thoughts. He pulled Lin Xia's hand over and interlocked their fingers.

They secretly held hands in the dark and let go when the lights came on. Lin Xia came close to Yi Shang and whispered, "People are looking."

"It's alright, no one knows us anyway."

Yi Shang took a photo with his phone camera and posted it on his Moments: Let me introduce to everyone, I have a partner now.
Under the caption was a picture with ten interlacing fingers just like before, but this time it was Yi Shang and Lin Xia.

The author has something to say:
Boring naming puns:
Yi Shang: 1(Yi) Top(Shang)
Lin Xia: O(Ling) Bottom(Xia)
Fang Qi: Give Up Xiao Ling: Little O Qi Shi: Discrimination Bao Zao: Irritable
The end!! Thank you everyone for reading!

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