ten | new year

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"So, she needs to be spayed. Therefore she can't go home until Friday."

"Aw, man." The little girl pouts.

I chuckle. "Here's her form." I hand it to the mother. "Just fill that out and bring it back here."

"Thank you." The blonde-haired woman smiles at me, and I return it.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Lou asks, coming up behind the counter.

"You're not supposed to be here, you know that." I deadpan.

"Irv loves me."

Irv is the adorable old man who owns the local pet shelter I volunteer at. He's grumpy, and I love him.

"Irv does not love you." The devil himself says, walking out of the copy room.

"Yes, you do." Lou follows him to the dog kennels, arguing the whole way there.

"Can we see her one more time before leaving?" The mother and daughter from before ask when they turn in the adoption form.

"Of course!" I smile. "Katie will go grab her. You can go into Cat Room 1."

"Thank you."

I shut my computer off and gather my things just in time for Lou to reappear. "Your chariot awaits, or whatever." She says, blowing a bubble with her gum.

"Great," I say, standing up on one unsturdy leg.

"You are helpless."

"But I'm also helpful." I point out as I lean onto my crutches.

Lou smiles. "Very." She takes my messenger bag from my hand and hikes it onto her shoulder. "You ready to go? I'm starving."

"Same." My mouth waters at the thought of food. "We have to pick Hailey up from the dorm though."

"Why'd you ditch her in the first place?"

"She was sleeping. Besides I'd already told Irv I was volunteering today."

"Ah. I see." Lou holds the door open so I can go through.

"Will you text her for me? My phone is lost somewhere in my bag."

"Sure can." Lou pulls out her phone and sends a text to my sister as we walk to her car-well, she walks, I crutch.

"Is Hailey the picky eater?"

"Leah." I correct.

"Good. Gabe said I can use their kitchen tonight. And I'm hoping Lucas will be there."

I chew on my bottom lip with nerves. "Gabe's got practice. I don't know what Lucas is up to."

"Which is why I picked tonight to make pasta. Because Gabe won't be there to annoy me."

Solid choice, Lou.

After picking up my sister, Lou begins driving to my boyfriend's townhouse on the edge of campus.

"That's the hockey arena," I tell Hailey when we drive past.

Hailey peters out the window. "Where's the football field again?"

"Other side of campus," Lou answers. "It's frustrating."

"The basketball court is on the west side of campus."

"It's all so spread out," Lou whines.

"You complain like you watch sports."

She chuckles. "I'm complaining on your part, honey."

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