fifteen | control

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An alarm blaring jolts me awake.

I rub my eyes and lift my head up to silence the loud noise.

When the dreadful sound is finally off, I lie my head back on the soft pillow.

Soft pillow? I'm used to firm pillows. And the smell of flowers, not aftershave.

I look down when I feel a hand tighten on my breast. I take my bottom lip between my teeth as last night's memories flash in my mind like a film on a projector.

"Turn it off," Lucas grumbles.

I giggle. "It is off."

He sucks in a long sharp breath and lifts his head, slowly opening his eyes. A furrow is set deep in his brows as he looks around the dark room. "Go back to sleep."

"Don't you have wo-"

"I have an alarm set." He mumbles, burying his face in the back of my hair.

"And it went off." I point out, rolling on my back.

"I have multiple. We still have an hour."

"You're damn alarm woke me up an hour early?!" I yell.

"Uh, yeah."

I stare at the ceiling with a heavy sigh. "That's mean."

Lucas is lightly snoring within seconds and I scoff. Men. Always falling asleep mid-conversation.

I sit up and slowly pull the compression slip onto my leg before strapping my knee brace on.

"Do you need anything? Ice? Medicine?" Lucas asks, his words slightly mumbled by his pillow.

"No." I whisper.

"How about an orgasm?"

I gasp. "Lucas."

He snickers. "I was just offering."

A fist pounding on Lucas's bedroom door makes me jump. "Hey, you up yet?"

"No." Lucas calls out.

"Was Riley here when you got home last night?" Gabe asks.

Lucas sits up. "I don't think so." He shrugs.

"Well she was here last night." The door knobs twists back and forth. "Jesus, is that slut from last night still here?"

I clasp a hand over my mouth.

"She's not a fucking slut." Lucas says through gritted teeth.

"She sure screamed like one."

Lucas stands from the bed and I duck under the covers.

"I don't know when the fuck you stopped disrespecting women so much but you need to knock it the fuck off." He grits out.

Gabe's voice is perfectly clear now that the door is partly open. "Is it the pretty blonde? Wait, nah, she sounds like a porn star. I bet it was that sexy redhead-"

"Don't you have a fucking girlfriend?" Lucas spats out.

"Yeah? Well then where the hell is she?" I just know his arms are folded across his chest.

"I didn't realize just because she wasn't with you that she wasn't your girlfriend at the moment. My bad, bro."

"What's your fucking problem, man?"

Lucas scoffs. "I don't know. Maybe just the fact that you just called another girl sexy. Tell me, what would Mom say about that? Or Dad?"

"They're not gonna do shit. 'Cause you're not gonna tell them." Gabe clicks his tongue. "What Riley doesn't know won't hurt her. Besides, it's not like she's been the best girlfriend lately. I can't even remember the last time she gave me a BJ."

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