twenty-four | sex

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"When did you get this tattoo?" I ask, tracing the sea turtle on Lucas's lower back.

"When I was seventeen," Lucas mumbles.

"Damn." I softly chuckle. "I don't have any."

Lucas rolls over onto his stomach and plants his hand on my ass. "I'm aware." More water trickles into the pool float, but neither of us cares. Lucas tugs me to his chest. "I'm also aware of what a nap is. Are you?"

"Yes. But I was never good at taking them."

"I don't care if you take a nap or read your damn book, just let me sleep, lady." He grumbles, patting my butt twice.

"My Kindle is over there."

"Then use your hands to paddle, or slide out of the float and get it." He presses the side of his index finger to my lips. "Just shhh."

I huff and sit up before sliding out of the float. I walk through the water, press my hands to the concrete, pull myself out of the water slightly, stretch my arm out, and grab ahold of my Kindle before returning to the pool float.

I use one hand to pull myself up, but the float just dips underwater and I slip. Luckily, we're in the shallow end, so I don't go far.

Lucas peeks an eye open. "Do you know what shhh means?"

I giggle. "You told me to get my book."

He sighs and grabs ahold of my bicep. I jump onto the float and he pulls me the rest of the way. Once I'm in my original spot, I nuzzle the back of my head in the crook of his arm as he rests his hand on my hip.

"Are you reading dirty books, Riley?"

"No." I fib, biting back my guilty smile.

"Then why did I just read about a man's tongue swirling around a woman's hardened nipples, that sit on top of her sweet milky breasts like peaks?"

I giggle as a blush rises up my neck. "You need glasses?"

Lucas pinches my side. "You need Jesus."

I snort. "Yeah, like you're any better."

"No, but I'm not the angel here."

I roll my eyes. "Will you quit calling me that?" I peer up at him.

Lucas shakes his head. "It suits you."


"How does it not?" Lucas counters. "You're gorgeous. Your skin is all smooth and shiny, so you look like you're glowing. You've got pretty hair. You--"

"What defines pretty hair?" I ask, amused.

Lucas shrugs. "Well, I don't know. Hair that is pretty. Your hair, for example." He lifts up a strand. "It's soft. And you're pretty. So therefore your hair is pretty. And--" I sit up and he stops talking.

We've floated to the edge of the pool, so I take advantage of that by setting my Kindle on the towel that's spread on the concrete before I roll on top of Lucas. I hold myself up on my elbows and press my lips to his.

Lucas grips my ass and sits up before sliding off the float, causing me to gasp. I feel my bikini top loosen before it's pulled away from my breasts entirely and thrown into the water.

A giggle forms in the base of my throat when I'm set on the bright blue beach towel. And it escapes my lips when Lucas wraps an arm around my waist and lifts me from the towel so he can tug my bikini bottoms down my hips.

My entire bathing suit is now floating in the water. Only my top is halfway stuck in the filter by the time I'm leaning back on my elbows and Lucas is thrusting his tongue inside of me.

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