Not a Chapter! List of Cards pt 1

612 15 1

Original Clow Cards: 53

The Arrow-Archery Magic: When Arrow is activated, she appears and fires a volley of arrows at her master's command.

The Big-Growth Magic: Big has the power to make anything grow in size to towering heights.

The Dream-Dream Magic: Dream is able to make people dream their greatest desires or even tell them their fortune. She also provides prophetic visions for her master, showing them the future to come in their sleep.

The Earthy-Earth Magic: Earthy is able to freely control and manipulate the element of earth and its various aspects; such as soil, rock, and stone. As such, she is capable of considerable destruction by creating earthquakes. fissures, landslides, and various other geological disturbances.

The Erase-Erasure Magic: Erase has the power to remove anything, even people, from existence. Anything that disappears by her power will be gone permanently if erased for too long, if her power is cut off then whatever has disappeared will return. Erase also has the power to take away people's memories.

The Fight-Skill Enhancement Magic: Fight grants its master enhanced skills in the martial arts

The Firey-Fire Magic: Firey can create powerful fires from thin air, as well as manipulate any existing flames. They are also shown to be able to regulate temperatures to high levels, as they used to defeat Snow.

The Float-Floating Magic: Float is able to make people and things float in the air.

The Bubbles-Bubble Magic: The card is able to create a mass of soap bubbles. It was created specifically to wash Cerberus. It was also used to wash dishes, and other things.

The Change-Swapping Magic: The Change is able to swap the minds and bodies of two people. This swap can only occur once a day, and if a change is not reverted after some time, it becomes permanent.

The Cloud-Cloud Magic: Cloud creates thick clouds all over the sky which it can move however it pleases

The Create-Creation Magic: Create is able to bring to life whatever creature or object is inscribed in its pages. It is possible Create can provide its user with a creative inspiration, as it glowed while Naoko wondered what to write next but then suddenly seemed inspired.

The Dark-Dark/Shadow Magic: The Dark's primary magic is to be able to warp space, creating dark void that can isolate and nullify non-magical beings if given enough time. She also appears to manipulate time to an extent as she is able to bring forth the night.

The Dash-Speed Magic: Dash is able to run at supernatural speeds for short distances. It can grant this ability to others as well.

The Flower-Flower Magic: Flower has virtually no practical uses outside of her master's enjoyment. Flower's main ability is to manifest whatever kind of flower her master desires.

The Fly-Wings: Fly mainly grants the ability of flight. Initially it used the wings of Sakura's Wand as a base. When it was transformed, to fit Sakura's needs, the wings now emerge from her back.

The Freeze-Ice Magic (Cryokinesis): This Card is able to freeze almost anything, emit ice as a weapon, and lower the temperature of a localized area to freezing point (and possibly beyond it). It is very crafty when using its abilities in combat, such as attacking with frozen glaciers or attacking targets from behind with pillars of ice.

The Glow-Glowing Lights: The Glow can create tiny orbs of light —similar in appearance to fireflies

The Hope-Reverse Magic: Reverses disasters and destruction in a specific area.

The Illusion-Illusion Magic: Illusion appears in many diverse forms, either as dictated by its master or on its own. It will often appear to people as what they fear the most or what they love the most.

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