Entrance Exam

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Finally it was time.

"Wow! This place is bigger than I thought." Izumi said as she looked around.

And she could feel some of her cards were ready for some action.

"Heh, CLAMP was waaaaaay larger." Kero scoffed from his and Suppi's spot in her hair.

"Well, you and Suppi behave yourselves and stay in my bag for now, I need to focus on the written test then I'll let you guys out for the practical." Izumi said as she walked past a familiar face.

Katsuki went over to the U.A. building ready to finally make his mark and become a hero. But then he spotted a familiar mop of green hair, only it looked shinier, smoother, and brighter. Almost like waves of liquid Emerald.

She still had the same freckles from her childhood but she certainly went through physical changes.

She's very-developed, due to her magic standing at 5'4. She's slim and slender with a shapely pair of toned arms, butt and legs, and quite...stacked where it counted. He would not know, but she may be a G or close to it.  Her long hair is still a little wild at the top, but it reached her lower-back, shiny, silky and vibrant.

Shaking his head, Katsuki continued on, focusing on the test.

He figured Deku would be turned away anyway.
After the written test, Izumi let Kero and Suppi out to breathe.

After learning how the test would work, Izumi prepped herself for the practical exam.

Taking out her key, now a staff, Kero and Suppi floated in front of her.

"Ok, I need you two to be my eyes and look for robots near us. Let's try to get as many as possible." Izumi said to them.

"Got it!/Sure!" They smiled as Izumi was getting her cards.

"Excuse me!" A shout came as Izumi nearly dropped her cards.

"Oi! What was that for? You nearly made Izu drop her cards!" Kero yelled at a navy haired boy with glasses.

"I thought that pets were not allowed at this school and she's disrupting things with her staff!"

Izumi got a little ticked off.

"I'll say this as politely as I can. One: Kero and Suppi aren't pets. They are my sentient power companions. And two: I need this staff because it helps me channel my power better and keeps me from using too much energy without it. Didn't your folks ever tell you not to make assumptions?"

Around them, other examinees whispered.

"If it helps her control her quirk, it shouldn't be a problem."

"I think it was submitted so the Staff knows, otherwise she would not be here."

"There's nothing against it in the rules anyway."

The navy haired boy was stunned at her explanation but the announcement prevented him from saying anything else.

"Attention, the gates are about to open."

Izumi, Kero and Suppi got ready as Izumi pulled a card.

"Flight, time for action!" As the gates opened, the trio rushed inside and Flight attached itself to Izumi as a large bow, helping her fly.

'Now that is someone to look out for.' Present Mic grinned before turning to the rest of the examinees. The navy haired boy yelled that the announcer didn't say 'start', but Present Mic corrected him.

"Hey, wait for the sign-!" one boy that moved like a robot said.

But Present Mic spoke up.
"No the little lady had the right idea! In the real world, there's no countdowns or signals. So get going!"

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