6 - A gift

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It had been a few days since me and my brothers have seen each other. Dinner was only the time that we get to meet face to face, although it still makes me sad that half of my family members are mad at my presence.

But I'm glad my parents are here for me despite the fact that they're mostly busy.

"Baby, we just need to ask you a few questions then you can go. Is that okay with you?" Mister slendy asks me while holding my hand. I smiled and I nodded my head, but then he slightly stopped smiling. His face seemed disappointed but I'm not sure what that meant to him.

"How old are you?" I paused for a bit as I think about the times how I didn't celebrate my birthday.

"Uh..h.. eleven, I guess so." I stuttered only just a bit, but at least I still remembered my age.

He gives me a few different thinking signs before looking back to my face. "Do you know your other parents' names?"

I stare at dad for awhile as minutes pass by.

My parent's names. What was their names?

"Your kid is f-----g hot, Jack. Mind if I taste her?"

Their laughs echoed out loud as I eavesdrop them from the other room very secretly. Shivers and expression of fear ran down to my body. My mind tells me to run and leave but I know I can't. I can't escape. They're all around.

"Exchange is the money dude." My master exclaimed as I watch him make a deal to one of his friend.

I turned around and quickly went upstairs. The pain hisses just like what I do.

The bruises that he gave me. My master, my father gave me.

"Hey darling, snap out." I hear my dad talk as he snaps his fingers in front of my eyes. I blink many times before giving him a frowned expression.

"I..I'm.. sorry dad. His name is uhm, Jack." I lowered my voice at the end of the sentence.

I felt the strong hands grip tightly into mine as I yelped just a bit from the surprise. He lets go of my fingers and started rubbing my back.

Mister slendy's big hands were now covering my whole upper body. I don't feel like putting myself in contact with each other but I feel a different aura to him and to mama.

Like a shield covering us together.

"I'm sorry baby, I won't do that again." He coos me like a little baby which is weird for me because I'm already a grown up.. well, I am only eleven.

Suddenly, he brings both of my hands up and gives them loads of kisses. My cheek flushed a bit red, turning a but shy but I only laughed. I felt ticklish when he started kissing my hands for no reason.

"I'm really sorry, but do you remember your mom's name?" I never really heard her name ever since I was a kid. Although she is pretty, looks and personalities can also be deceiving.

I only shake my head and I see his face upset again. Maybe he wants me to talk?

"No, I don't."

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