28 - School Party

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It'll be my first time attending a christmas party on my school which are just only gonna be some exchange gifts and then eating foods that my other classmates have brought.

When my class advisor had a raffle, I was partnered by a girl named Julia. She's one of the smart students but she isn't that popular. Unlike any other beautiful girls in my class, Julia is a simple looking student and doesn't care if anybody despises her because of what they call her as an ugly animal.

There were actually some bullies that we had, and both me and Julia have the same number which both of us only laughed about it. She can handle the hate without retaliating and only sees her future within by studying and being by herself.

But saying that she doesn't have any insecurities would be an understatement.

Anyway after the raffle, I had asked her if she had any other preferences for the gifts that I'll be buying for her, that would be enough for the prize of below fifty or a hundred dollar cash if you're rich enough.

She said that she liked small plushies or just a new case for her brand new android phone. It's that simple.

But when I told that about it to my older brothers, they refused to pay below than fifty cash. Of course, they're rich and they don't care if they break the minimum prize of a hundred dollar cash.

What matters to them is that they woul spoil my classmate in a nice way.

"Alright!" Enzo pulled out about thirteen medium-sized gift boxes that are wrapped with a brown wrapping paper roll that has red striped wired ribbons tied around the gift. Inside the gifts were a box and if you open it, there are kinds of presents inside. They are ordered one by one in gender. The first three were girls, excluding me and Julia. Then, the other ten are for boys.

"Why do you have so many boys in your class?" Xandro had a grumpy voice when he thought about having ten boys in my own grade classroom.

I've never thought about that and I believed that it was normal to have a lot of boys in class. I only shrugged at his question though.

"I thought it was normal." I simply implied on which I got a few glances from my three older brothers. "You think it's normal?" Xav repeated in a frustrated tone and I heard a few sighs.

"I mean, there's no complaint but it's a bit unsettling since there are only five girls that are surrounded by ten boys." Enzo muttered that only the four of us could hear. The twins nodded their head in agreement.

"Eros is good though." As I brought up Eros, I recieved glares now that made me shiver just a tiny bit. Why do they have to make me intimidated by their scary glowing eyes?

"I would trust him if he wasn't named from a greek god of amore, lussuria e desiderio sessuale. What if he's actually hor-" Enzo punched Xandro lightly enough to make him tear up. "Che cazzo? Perché devi farlo?"

"Dovresti stare zitto anche se sei davanti a nostra sorella mentre parli in italiano. Sei fortunato che non capisca!" The both of them were speaking probably in italian and I still couldn't understand until now. My class advisor holds Italian language and literature but we're still learning.

Xav sat beside me at the couch and smiled. His big, rough hand swept to my other cheek and turned my face towards him. "Just ignore your brothers. They like speaking in gibberish sometimes.. ya know that." He chuckled before ruffling my hair into messy pieces.

"Now, let's continue with the presents. Since we're done with your classmates, let's go to your teachers and class advisor." He grabbed the huge red bag that looked like from Santa Claus.

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