CHAPTER SEVEN, fuck you Delilah

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"Oh, Uh yeah of course. Come on in." Delilah waved the girl into the room as she awkwardly stood at the door, not knowing what to do.

Paige rocked on her two feet for a second before getting fully through the doorway, shutting the door behind her.

Delilah watched as she hesitantly sat on the bed and turned her body to face herself. "So" Paige said rather awkwardly. "how have you been?"

Honestly Paige wasn't sure why she was there. She didn't know what she expected to talk about with Delilah. Honestly she wasn't even sure why they stopped being friends but that was a topic for another late night talk.

"Um, I've been good. It's been pretty easy to keep contact with mostly everyone from high school since most of them still go in state." Paige nodded along.

"What about you? How have you been?" God, Delilah hated how awkward it was between them now.

"Good, we're undefeated right now so basketballs going pretty good." Delilah nodded. She already knew that. She used Maggie as her excuse but Delilah had watched pretty much every game from the season. Little did she know Paige had done the same thing.

"That's good." Delilah stared down at her sheets for a second. Paige shook her knee up and down for jitters as the awkward silence filled the air.

"Did you ever end up doing it?" Delilah asked suddenly, the question she had been wanting to reach out and ask Paige for months.

"Do what?" Paige straightened out her back, sending the blonde in front of her a confused expression.

"Tell Claire you we're like in love with her."

Paige was pacing back in forth in her own bedroom. It was a week before both her and Delilah were leaving for collage and she had decided she was going to do it. She was going to tell Delilah she was in love with her.

It might be the most stupid thing she ever did. She might get rejected and have Delilah never want to see her again. But at least she would know and if she chose to never see Paige again then they wouldn't be forced to see each other at school anymore.

Delilah was excited when Paige invited her over. She had been spending practically every wake and hour with Claire lately and Delilah missed her best friend. So much.

She wasn't going to lie and say Paige choosing to hang out with Claire over herself didn't make Delilah mad. Or at least a bit upset. Another word to describe it that Delilah would never use would be jealous.

She had come to terms that she liked Paige but also decided to never do anything about it because she didn't want anything to ruin their friendship before both girls shipped off to collage.

When Delilah opened the door to Paige's bedroom the blondes eye's immediately went to her best friend. "Hey." Delilah said, sending the other blonde an awkward smile.

They talked for a little bit about school and sports before Paige tried to change the subject. Well, didn't really try. Paige changed the subject.

"I like someone."

Delilah stared at her shocked. "Who?" Paige winced. Here comes the hard part. Why couldn't Delilah just read minds. "Do I know her?" She asked again.

Delilah's heart was beating out of her chest. Or at least the two halves of her heart were. Hearing that Paige had a crush on someone else made Delilah feel as though she was stabbed in the heart with a wooden stake.

Of course just as she comes to terms with her crush on her best friend, Paige comes to terms with her crush on someone else. Just her luck. Or so she thought.

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