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allisonthealligator posted !

TAGGED: @maggielovesicespice, @n.muhl10

TAGGED: @p.buckets, @urmomsfavpisces

Liked by urmomsfavpisces and 21 others

allisonthealligator two hours pre party

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urmomsfavpisces we ate.

p.buckets @urmomsfavpisces agreed twin

urmomsfavpisces @p.buckets STOP IT

"LET ME KNOW IF YOU EVER WANT TO leave and we can." Maggie whispered in my ear from behind me as we all sat silent in my car, just watching the party in full swing.

To be fair we just pulled up though.

We weren't a bunch of antisocial D-1 athletes. Minus Allison. But she was far from antisocial. I nodded. Paige had already told me a similar thing while we were getting ready just an hour ago.

"Can we go in now?" Allison said excitedly bouncing her leg up and down. Now that I thought about it, it was funny how different my two friends were.

Maggie wanted to be anywhere but here while Allison was itching to get out of the car before it even parked.

Paige opened my door for me. Running around from the passenger seat after telling me not to get out yet.

"M'lady," A laughed and took the hand she offered, stepping out of the car. "such a gentle-woman." She pulled me closer as we entered the open house doors.

The house reeked of booze and cheap beer. I had to withhold a grimace. I hated the smell of alcohol, and the taste. But the feeling and effect on the other hand...that part wasn't so bad.

Now I know what you're thinking so stop. I'm not an alcoholic. I can handle my liquor. I was actually really good at it. Like the best.

Now, some might disagree (Maggie and Paige) but their opinions were irrelevant. I knew my own body.

"YOU CAME!" I stumbled back a few feet as Julia tackled me in a hug.

I laughed. Loving how comfortable the girl was to run up and hug me while we only met once. Or maybe it was because of the alcohol she smelled like.

I could hear Maggie laughing, yelling over the loud music how she was going to get us drinks, Nika and Azzi following. Paige hadn't budged. Still standing where she was when I was tackled away from her. Except now she was watching me and Julia intently.

"So, this is your girlfriend?" Julia dragged me by the hand back over the Paige.

I instantly reached for her hand and she pulled me closer to her than she did when we got here. Julia sent me an approving look.

"Good job!" She raised her hand to give me a high five. "She's hot."

The way she was talking about Paige right in front of her face made me shift uncomfortably. All amusement I had felt from how Julia made her entrance was gone. I wanted her gone now.

Let me rephrase so nobody thinks i'm a murderer. I wanted her to leave. Now.

I saw Maggie coming back with the drinks but when we made eye contact I tried to send her a look for help. I was hopeful she got it because she quickened her speed.

"Hey come on you two, everyone else is chillin in the kitchen." I said a short and sweet goodbye to Julia and pulled Paige away from her as fast as I could.

"There's nothing we can do to change her actions." Paige quoted me from last night. How dare she use my wise words against me. It defeats the wiseness.

Paige bursted into laughter as she heard me mutter "bitch" under my breath. She wasn't supposed to hear that.

Paige grabbed my hand and we followed Maggie through the house of sweaty dancing bodys, trying to find our group.

* * *


Allison was drunk.

Like really drunk.

I let her hug me, we were all sitting down on the living room couch when she left and were in the same spot as she found us in thirty minutes later. Shit faced.

She sat down next to me, shoving herself in-between me and Paige. Earning a hard glare from the blonde.

"They're playing games! Come on we should all go!" She stood up suddenly, like she just remembered why she came over to us in the first place. Me and Paige exchanged a short look.

Neither of us wanted to but there was no way I wasn't about to let Allison play a party game with a bunch of strangers while she's drunk. Especially when theres none of us to watch out for her.

I didn't give a fuck how nice Julia was. The facts were that we only met her yesterday meaning quite frankly we didn't know her at all.

Allison ran off as cheering began in the other room. Paige sighed as she stood up to her feet, reaching out a hand to help me off of the couch. Maggie and the rest followed after us.

"YAY! You came!" Allison cuddled into my side as me and Paige both sat down next to her on the couch. Everyone else on the couch to the left of us.

I wrapped a protective arm around Allison's shoulder, Paige looking around with a resting bitch face. Yeah. Be scared.

"Awe fuck no."

I sent Paige a worried look, confused at her outburst. I followed her gaze to the other side of the room.

Oh shit.

There, sitting next to Julia on the other side of the room was Morgan. The girl from the basketball court just the other day. You know, the one who said I had a pretty face.

Sitting next to Julia. You know, the one who called Paige hot.

This was just great.

Was it to late to go home?

Now that I think about it, I probably could have asked to leave and just went home. But I didn't and I have to live with that mistake.

imma js say it now
i've spent like this whole part of the book making alli look like the villain in the book
i love alli

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