[09] chemistry and tiktok

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The day came to an end... or at least, mostly. I was sitting through Chemistry; my last class of the day.

I was sitting next to Minho— the devilish boy who was close to Chan. We had met at the karaoke, but I hadn't talked to him too much because the other boys wouldn't let go of me. I was glad that Minho and I had chemistry together; at least I wasn't alone.

"I swear to god that the clock is broken," Minho muttered under his breath.

I held back a laugh. "I know," I whined quietly. "This is so annoying." We had a quiet study period for an upcoming exam, but I couldn't focus on school. I just studied better at home, and apparently, Minho was like that, too.

"Hey, Nabi?" Minho asked a few minutes later, breaking the silence. I looked up at him and he continued, "Can you tutor me?"

I paused. "What?"

Minho grinned a little. "I suck at chemistry and journalism," he explained. "And you have both classes with me, and since you're a genius, I thought—"

"I'm not a genius," I interrupted. I hate being called smart— probably because I wasn't. "But since I like you"— the boy raised an eye at me mischievously— "No, not like that."

"Are you sure?" Minho asked, an eyebrow quirked at me as he leaned in closer. He brought his mouth close to my ear, and my heart stumbled a little. His breath tickled my ear as he whispered, "Don't worry, babe, it'll be a date." He winked at me and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

I turned quickly, our faces no more than a centimetre apart. Our lips were so close to touching when I looked Minho in the eye and deadpanned, "I guess you have to find another tutor, then."

The boy across from me opened his mouth to respond, but another voice piped up. "Ms. Bae, Mr. Lee, do you mind sharing what you're talking about with the rest of the class?"

Shit. It was the teacher. And because she called us out, the entire class was now staring at us. Shit.

My face blushed red, and I looked down to my lap. I had rarely gotten in trouble at school, let alone for something this petty. I was about to apologize, but Minho had other plans.

"I was asking her to be my tutor for chemistry," he declared, smirking slightly. This son of a—

The teacher— to my surprise— nodded and said, "Yes, I think that would be beneficial for your grades, Mr. Lee. I hope you don't mind, Ms. Bae?"

I was trapped; there was no way to back out now without getting the teacher to be pissed at me. "Yes, of course," I responded, fake excitement coating my words. I turned to Minho and told him, "Let me know when you're free and I'll block my schedule."

The teacher smiled at me gratefully— damn, we're Minho's grades that bad?— and the bell rang.

Thank god.


I had totally forgotten that I promised Felix to hang out with him.

Shit. I was looking forward to chilling at Jeongin's house— but I guess that wasn't happening. Instead, I found myself in a park in front of a convenience store with Felix and a tripod with a light ring.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as Felix pulled me into the view of the camera. "I said I would do dances with you, not record them!" Felix shook his head aggressively. "Also, I said I would only do Fortnite dances– I never agreed to TikTok!"

Felix pouted at me, his lower lip sticking up as he gave me puppy eyes. "Please," he begged. "If this TikTok doesn't work, I won't make you do it again. Deal?"

I sighed, knowing that I didn't really have much of an option– the adorable boy would have gotten it out of me anyways. "Deal. What dance do you want to do —"

"RENEGADE!" Felix yelled, startling a few older people who were enjoying the evening at the park. "I mean— renegade," he repeated, quieter this time. "I know you know it."

I sighed again. "Alright, Lix. Let's do this." Felix grinned at me like a little kid before clicking the Record button on his phone and rushing back to stand next to me.

"And three, two, one–"

Both of us started dancing, and I had to admit that I was having fun. I hadn't danced in years— not since I gained a few too many kilograms and got insecure. I laughed with Felix as we finished dancing, and he rushed to press the Stop button on his phone. 

I sat back on the grass as I watched Felix look at the shot, and his eyes widened. "Woah, Nabi. You're awesome at this!" He exclaimed excitedly. "You're better than– I mean, as good as me!" I laughed.

"Mhm, whatever you say," I rolled my eyes with a smile decorating my lips. The blonde boy looked like he wanted to say more, but he seemed to have decided against it. Instead, he sat down next to me in the grass in silence.

It wasn't awkward at all; in fact, it was the kind that could only be achieved with a lot of trust.

I smiled to myself again. 

I was glad I had met someone like Felix, and I was glad to be where I was.

I like the view right now.

Little did I know... good things don't last forever. 


A/N: Hehe... I wonder what's going to happen? I can tell you one thing (but it's not related to this ff)... I might be writing a new one! And this one will be more horror-based... stay tuned, STAY <3

Have a good day/night :D

✓ sorry, i love you || hwang hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now