[32] the police station

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A/N: Hello, hello, and welcome to chaos! Before you begin, let me warn you: this chapter talks about topics that could potentially trigger people (such as sexual assault). Please keep that in mind while reading! Secondly, I know absolutely nothing about Korea's laws and regulations regarding this; everything I've written is based on 2 minutes' worth of research, so do correct me if you notice anything wrong! And lastly... prepare yourself (emotionally). This chapter was rough for me. OH, and, this is unedited. HEAVILY unedited. (Please don't kill me, Grammarly.) 


Lia's POV

When I woke up at 3 am, it wasn't because I wanted to. Instead, I found myself being shaken awake by Mark, who (despite the hungover) looked alert and panicked.

I asked him what was wrong, and he told me that Nabi was at the police station. "What the fuck?" Was my immediate response, but nonetheless, I made myself look somewhat presentable and rushed out of the house with Mark, leaving Yeji in charge.

That's why I was where I am now. In a police station, sitting next to Mark with a scared Nabi being held by a comforting Hyunjin behind me, while I'm sitting across from a police officer named Yeonjun, who was apparently in charge of the whole case. When I'd first seen him, I had almost laughed. Yeonjun was a few years senior to me when we were in middle school, and back then, he was a complete goofball. Seeing him so professional now was surprising.

What a small world.

"There are two things we can do now," Yeonjun told us. "We can either proceed with charges against him, or you can choose to leave him be." He made eye contact with me and gravely added, "I'd suggest the first one."

Mark responded without missing a beat. "We're going to go through with charges."

I turned to him, confused. "I thought only parents or legal guardians could decide that sort of stuff."

I made eye contact with Mark and he bit his lip nervously. He hesitantly replied, "Nabi's parents... they didn't just go to Brazil for vacation. They actually moved there. And since Nabi is underage, they didn't want her to be alone."

~ Flashback, a few weeks ago ~

Mark's POV

I sipped the tea that was in front of me quietly as I listened to what Mrs. Bae— who was technically my aunt— had to say.

"Nabi's a disappointment," she said harshly. "She always scores a 99 and is never good enough. Not to mention that she always hangs out with boys."

Mr. Bae muttered under his breath, "Slut."

It took everything in me to stop my jaw from dropping. Did Nabi's parents really hate her that much?

Her mother continued, "She was an accident child, anyways, so we're going to try again." I must have looked confused, so she explained, "We're going to have sex again without protection. We're going to have another child that's not a disappointing slut."

Woah, there, bitch.

Mr. Bae spoke up, "Will you be her legal guardian? We'll transfer the ownership of this house to you and everything, and we'll send you 1266055000 ₩, which is around a million American dollars."

This time my jaw truly dropped. I loved Nabi; she was the sister I never had. I would do anything I could to protect her from these bitchless excuses of parents. The house and the money... it was a bonus that could help Lia and I settle peacefully.

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