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ZORA WASN'T EXPECTING THE, place she was going to to be a party at all, but it seems like she has expected wrong. She just thought it was going to be something small and short, not some huge party with loud music and screaming people that was happening at the moment. She didn't even know if she'd survive but she told herself it was for Y/N. She frowned to herself while stepping foot into the house, already whispering to herself about the germs that could've already been spread all around.

As she passed everyone that walked her way, she turned her head from side to side, trying to find her one and only love.

When she still didn't see the females familiar H/C hair, she stopped all of her movements for a split second before her eye and fingers started to twitch. She really hoped she didn't come to some stupid party all for nothing.

The female was on there verge of a mental breakdown and she hadn't even been in the house for that long.

"Zora, is that you?" A sleek and masculine voice said from behind her, causinf her tense up at the sound of her own name rolling off of the tongue of a person she knew all too well.

Turning herself around with a fake wide smile plastered on her mouth, the girls hands balled up into fists. "Hi, C-Cyril."

The boy in front of her had messy black dark hair that was paired with a side part, only making his hair look even more silky. He had tan skin, big hazel eyes that almost looked more yellow than normal, and a few bright red acne bumps that laid on his each of his cheeks.

"What are you doing here right now?" The male that went by Cyril asked, tilting his head, "I thought you went all.. emo on us."

Zora was really fighting the urge to yank the raven haired mans hair to slam his face into the table beside them multiple times.

"Nope." She corrected quickly, "Not an emo, hah... I just.. I don't know. I'm different now I guess. Nothing personal."

"Oh you're different now, huh?" He chuckled at her words, making it clear that he was mocking her for absolutely no reason at all.

The blue eyed girl nodded at his words while her face stood dead straight, resulting in him growing uncomfortable by the sudden smile drop.

Just as the male was about to open his mouth to say something, Zora was already quick with hers first. "Anyways! I should get going now... I have to-"

"No, hold on," he reached his hand out to her arm before wrapping it around her small wrist, "I wanted to catch up on you..."

She felt the random urge to just throw up right on the mans face, but all she could do was grimace and stare up at Cyril. "O-Oh.. did you...?"

He smiled at her, nodding his head as the small lines at the edge of his lips stretched longer, "Yeah, and... I thought maybe we could... Take about.. us, you know-"

Zora had already stopped listening when she heard the word us come out of his mouth.

She pulled herself back with a fake but apologetic grin on her lips. She still didn't want to reveal her secret just yet, and she hoped he didn't get mad. "No... Sorry... My, uh! My friend is.. th-throwing up like crazy right now, so I'd better get to her!"

Before the raven haired teen could even responded with anything else, she was already walking away with shaky breaths and trembling hands.

She didn't like that at all, and she couldn't tell if she was overreacting since other girls around her seemed to like touchy stuff like that.

The girl took quick steps up the stairs before she turned the corner in the house and looked all past the doors that seemed to be packed with randoms she didn't even try to get to know.

Peeping her head over to a door that was creaked open a bit, she raised her eyebrows in curiosity before she took quiet and little steps over to it, raising her hand up to the door.

Zora leaned herself down while softly pressing her ear to the door, hoping to hear whatever it was that was on the other side.

Her fingers brushed up against the doors while she kept trying to hear in, but much to her dismay, she couldn't hear anything due to the loud music that boomed through the hallways even though she wasn't even downtairs anymore.

Just as the female was about to lean back, she felt the door swing open to reveal Y/N standing right in front of her.

Her breath got stuck in her throat and a knot tied in her throat. It felt like she'd just lost all of her abilities to speak.

Y/N waited for the woman to move out of her way since she didn't want to be impolite, but once she saw that she wasn't moving and just staring, she grew a little concerned. "Uhmm, a-are you alright...?"

Zora couldn't believe that Y/N didn't remember her, but she also couldn't believe that Y/N was even speaking to her at the moment.

Snapping her head to the side of her with her E/C eyes still staring into Zora's blue eyes, she parted her mouth. "I think she needs a ride home or something... She's like... On.. drugs I think..."

I Lowkey didn't even know this followed Zora's pov until now LOL

I Lowkey didn't even know this followed Zora's pov until now LOL

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