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WHEN ZORA SAW Y/N AT, their school she couldn't even bring herself to say anything to her since she was just so flustered by the last thing they'd done together. She didn't think she was that type of girl, but she liked feeling like a different person for once. And plus, she was being a different person with the girl she loved so even more a happy feeling grew inside of her stomach. She felt that everything was going as planned at the moment.

She just watched as she walked and talked with all of the other girls, jealous rising through her body, but her mind still being able to keep her from doing anything irrational towards the other women. She kept her sanity for the sake of Y/N because she didn't want her to think badly of her.

Eventually, the H/C haired woman felt the raven haired woman's eyes poking holes into her, so she glanced back at her before she gave her a small smile as she looked her up and down, flustering her even more.

Zora didn't know what to do with herself at that moment, so all she did was just shift in her stance while giving the girl an even wider grin to show her that she acknowledges her.

After the two girls continued exchanging smiles and stared to one another, that's when Y/N leaned over to her friends and whispered something to them, resulting in Zora to grow curious at what it was she was telling them.

Y/N then cleared her throat before she pulled herself away from her friends and turned to the blue eyed teen that seemed to be waiting for her the entire time.

Tensing up at the sight of her love coming right her way, her mouth dropped open a little and she clenched her jaw while her eyes grew a little wide. She was so nervous about embarrassing herself, unaware of the fact that Y/N didn't care that much about what she did.

She could swear that her legs turned into jello whenever she'd see Y/N look her direction or even breathed air around her. It was something nobody else could do to her.

Y/N took the last few steps and stopped right in front of the dark haired woman that already began to stumble all across her words, her face growing hot and her chest rising up and down as the nervousness grew.

"Are you alright Zora??" Y/N chuckled out as she placed a soft hand up to her own lips, trying to conceal the laughter that only made Zora get even more embarrassed by whatever it was she was doing.

Only stiffening up even more, that's when Zora slammed her hands together and started fiddling with her fingers. "Huh?? Oh! Yes! I'm fine, thank you for asking Y/N! How are you..? Is anyone bothering you? Are your grades well??"

"It's no problem, I'm fine, thank you for asking, no, nobody is bothering me, and my grades are fine. Probably could be better but it's whatever." She cleared her throat towards the end of her response before she straightened her posture and stared right into Zora and her piercing blue eyes.

"That's.. great..." Zora mumbled as she felt naked underneath the other womans eyes, "Really, really great..."

Pursing her lips as she finally got the hint that Zora was uncomfortable with the amount of eye contact she was making, Y/N peeled her E/C eyes off of the shorter girl and looked all around, "Mhmm, I guess so..."

Zora relaxed a little, glad that Y/N could feel her emotions just by a look in her eyes, "So.. I was thinking that.... I was just.. well, I wanted to know if you wanted to, like.. hang out with me again..? That's only if you want to though!!"

"What?" The taller girl whipped her head back towards the blue eyed teen with a teeth showing grin across her lips, her head nodding up and down a little, "Of course I want to! That sounds like fun!!"

"Really??" Y/N could've sworn that she'd seen Zoras eyes lighting up a bit, and she loved that she could do that to her.

Continuing to nod her head while her H/C hair bounced against her head a little, she let out yet another hum, her own cheeks heating up and her heart beating quickly in her chest.

There was a wave of silence, but it was a comfortable silence that was surrounding them, and they both loved that they didn't have to talk all the time to make each other feel comfortable. Zora knew they were meant to be, and she hoped that Y/N felt the exact same way.

"And hey..." Y/N stepped up to the dark haired female and eyed her body down once again, "Maybe we could do something like that again... I know you liked it the last time..."

A gasp came past Zoras lips, causing Y/N to raise her eyebrows a bit, and just as the shorter teen was about to put her second sense in, the sound of footsteps came up from behind them, gaining each of their attention.

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