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AFTER THE TWO WOMEN, were finally finished eating all of their food, it was time to part ways, and Zora really didn't want that. She loved the day that Y/N and her had shared, and she already grew used to the other female being with her, so he heart really hurt once she came to the realization that they were about to leave one another. She hated the feeling of being away from Y/N, it made her feel so out of place.

"So..." Y/N awkwardly smiled as she closed her wallet before she pushed her hand down to her sweater and tucked it into the pocket. "I guess... It's time to leave now.. isn't it?"

Zora just glanced down at the table like before and slowly nodded her head, the tears in her eyes threatening to seep out of her pretty light eyes.

Noticing the shift of the dark haired girls mood, that's when Y/N put her hand back out onto the table and allowed her fingers to move against Zora's before their hands were intertwined, causing her to look up from the table.

"Are you alright...? We.. we could hang out a little longer, if you'd like..." She whispered, only making Zora's cheeks heat up even more.

Zora just loved loving women because she thought that most of the time they were so caring, soft, and sweet to one another. It made her feel all fuzzy inside whenever she thought about women, especially since she knew that most women could easily love one another so strongly, platonically or not.

Sending Y/N a dopey grin as her head absentmindedly tilted, Zora felt like she wanted to melt at the feeling of the other woman rubbing her thumb against the back of her hand.

"No, no... I.. don't want you to feel like you have to stay here f-for me... I know you're probably so tired.. it's kind of dark out, anyway.. so..."

Y/N squinted her eyes at Zora as she bit on the inside of her cheek, secretly not wanting to leave so soon either, "Are you sure...?"

"Uhmm, yeah... You don't have to stay with me.. I-If you don't want to, of course..!! If.. you want to, then... Of course-"

Heart thumping in her chest while the soft spot she had for Zora took over a little, Y/N nodded and cut her off quickly, "Yeah. I want to hang out with you for a little longer..."

Zora just couldn't believe that the love of her life could literally read her mind. She was so convinced that Y/N was another part of her, "I mean... A-Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. I really like you, Zora... You're so cute..." She breathed out, watching and loving the flustered expression that came upon Zora's facial features.

"I think you're the most prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life, ever, Y/N. I love your gorgeous H/C hair, and the way your E/C eyes sparkle in every lighting that comes to you is just.. so, so.. unreal, Y/N... And.. your lips they're so... I.. I love everything on your face...! And.. I love your personality, too, of course!!!"

Taken aback by the woman's mini rant about her facial features, the H/C haired girl leaned back a little with eyes that began widening a little. "Zora, that's.. that's so sweet of you... I didn't think you liked me that much. Well, I didn't think you liked me at all, not going to lie..."

"What?! You didn't think I liked you...?! How..? How!!?" She genuinely seemed stunned by Y/Ns words, and that stunned the other female as well since her suspicions were confirmed wrong.

"I just thought that... You.. kind of felt forced to go out with me... You know what I mean? Cause what I said.. I was just.. being a little asshole."

"Oh, god, no...! I didn't feel forced at all!! I- I actually wanted to bring you out somewhere, and I wanted to pay as well, but... Looks like you wanted to do that part..."

Chuckling at the dark haired girls small joked that passed her plump lips, Y/N smirked and stared into her eyes with a slight tilt of her head. "You're so funny, Zora.. maybe a little shy, but still... It's pretty cute..."

"What are you doing to me, Y/N...?" She squealed under her breath as she squeezed the females hand, her entire body starting to heat up underneath her dress.

The sound of the door opening was heard by the two women, but they didn't pay it any attention since they just assumed that someone that entered was someone they didn't know, but were they wrong.

Eyes looked at both of the women that had their hands wrapped together while they laughed and giggled with one another, and once they felt the stare, they both quickly looked at who it was that was looking at them.

Zora's heart sank in her chest a little before she aggressively pulled her hand back and placed it onto her own lap, upsetting Y/N a little.

There stood a confused and slightly disgusted Natalie that was with her boyfriend that didn't seem to mind the sight before them.

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