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"Please bring some more chilies. I'll pay extra if it's necessary" Y/n said to the waiter who was quite shocked seeing her so much spicy. Yeah, there are indeed people who love to eat a lot of spicy but y/n asked for 4 chilies and a spoon of chili flakes.

"Can you seriously eat that much spicy?" Yoongi asked while eating his bibimbap to which she replied "Yeah, I am addicted to chilies. I can't survive without them" And then she started to eat her fried rice by mixing all the spices.

"Seems like someone is enjoying the date" Y/n and yoongi heard a voice. They both turned to see and there he was Wansoo. Yoongi didn't know him but y/n was surprised and disappointed to see him there. She decided to ignore him and eat the food.

"Who are you?" Yoongi asked him. "Oh, didn't she tell you about me? I am her bf-

"Yoongi, this is good. Wanna try it" Y/n asked cutting Wansoo's words while yoongi looked at her. Seeing her expression and nervousness, he got the hint that she didn't want that guy to be here and doesn't want to talk with him.

"Of course," he replied before taking a spoonful of rice. As he got the taste of the flavor, he expressed his satisfaction, "Hmm, this is delicious." He said.

After that, they both ate their food ignoring Wansoo's existence... This was making him more angry and annoyed.

The guy yelled, "Don't ignore me!" and slammed his hands on the plate Y/N was eating from. This caused the food to fly everywhere and some spicy bits got into her eyes, making them burn. It was a dangerous and inappropriate way to act and shows his lack of self-control.

Y/n got shaken by the outburst of Wansoo and above that the burning sensation in her eyes made it worst. She rubbed her eyes in pain. Getting worried yoongi got near her and took a tissue paper. He added some water to it and slowly cleaned y/n's eyes to help her.

"Don't you even have basic manners on how to behave in public?" He said making Wansoo scoff.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY" He yelled.

"With arrogance behavior, seems like you even are deaf." He said and then called the manager of the restaurant there.

"What's wrong sir?" The manager asked. "Can't you see? Some random person is attacking your customer. I expect you to take strict action against it" Yoongi said while looking at Wansoo.

The manager looked at the situation and understood what might have happened. He called security to take Wansoo out from there.

"What the fk are you trying to do," He said trying to get away from the grip of the security guard.

"Sir, please go outside or else we will be compelled to call the police for your this behavior." The managed said. Due to the fear of the police Wansoo quietly left.


"Are your eyes okay?" He asked she washed her face and now was able to open it. "Yeah thank you for helping," She said wiping the water from her face with her handkerchief.

They both were in the park. She washed her face near the top of the public park.

"How were you able to leave with that psychopath?" He said making her laugh. "Perhaps, was blind in love." She said.

They both were sitting on the bench just to relax for some time. It was turning dark.

"I think we need to go now. It's turning dark" She said. He agreed and then they both got up from the bench.

"Can we just walk instead of taking the bus? " Y/N asked. " I'm okay with that," Yoongi replied with a nod, his gaze briefly flickering to her.

As they walked side by side, the cold wind whipped through the air, causing Y/N's hair to dance in the breeze. Yoongi couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked, his heart skipping a beat.

Together, they continued on their journey, the sound of their footsteps filling the silence. Despite the chill in the air, Yoongi and Y/n both felt warmth as they both walked beside each other. They both were happy to accompany each other.

As they didn't travel by bus, the journey was slightly long. They both finally reached home. As the apartment was right beside each other, they both looked at each other before going inside.

"Thank you so much for helping me today. Things would have gone bad if you weren't there" y/n said.

"I am glad that you are safe. Also, your ex is a total psycho and dangerous As well. Be careful with him. For now, leave it, but if something like this happens again then make a police complaint." Yoongi said.

She gave a slight nod and smiled saying Goodnight to him. He also returned the smile and looked at her for a moment before getting back to his apartment.

"Afterwards, she dropped her exhausted body onto the couch, taking deep breaths as she recalled the events of the day. Despite not showing much fear in front of Yoongi, she was scared. Rising from the couch, she made her way to the kitchen and opened the freezer, regaining some chilies and beginning to eat them. This was her way of calming herself down, and it was the reason she ate more spicy than a normal person could ever eat.


Yoongi was just playing his guitar while looking out the window. While he was playing his guitar, his phone rings. He stops to play the guitar and takes his phone.

"Hello Jhope" he says picking up the call. Jung Hoseok popularly knows as jhope is his best friend.

"Yoongiiiii!!!" Jhope exclaimed with excitement, causing Yoongi to pull the phone away from his ear to protect his hearing. "Do you think I am deaf? Why are you shouting like those dogs at night," Yoongi responded. " Don't call me dog, you cat" jhope said making yoongi dumbfounded.

" I am not a cat" He says making jhope chuckle. "Instruction unclear, never try again" He says and laughs making yoongi more frustrated. "You- before he could speak jhope cuts his world. "Before you murder me on call listen to me. I have a request for you. Can you write a lyrics and produce a song for me?" He asks.

"And why do you think I would do that after calling me cat" He says. "That's reality tho, can't help" Jhope says making yoongi about to curse on call.

"Okay okay fine sorry. But it's like so like manager appointed me to teach a couple some dance for their pre wedding shoot. And while we were taking, they said they wanted to have a song for themselves to cherish it. So I am asking you" Jhope said.

Yoongi said, "I can help with the overall production of the song, but I don't think it's appropriate for me to write the lyrics in this situation. Lyrics are something that we write based on our emotions and personal experiences, and if I write for them , it would be pointless." Yoongi said

"You aren't wrong tho. I am not sure but they might have something to have in lyrics. Do you want to talk with them about This?" Jhope asked.

"I am fine with that. Just give me number to them and I'll talk about the stuffs if they want to" yoongi said.

"Okay, thanks. By the way, why didn't you come to the studio today" jhope asked.

"Had some work. I'll tell about this tomorrow. Its a long story and I am not in mood to explain it right now" Yoongi said.

"Okay, fine. Goodnight," J-Hope said before ending the call. Yoongi put his phone on charge and then looked at his guitar. He didn't feel like playing it anymore, so he put it back in his bag.

Neighbours [Min Yoongi FF]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα