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"Yoongi!" She called him. He looked at her with a questionable look. "I need to tell you something," Y/n said. "Yeah, go ahead," Yoongi said. "Um I am sorry, the message which I send you yesterday wasn't by me. My brother Taehyung send it to you as I wasn't having the confidence to do so" Y/n said nervously playing with her fingers while yoongi started at her.

"I like you" Suddenly yoongi said making her surprised and confused. "Huh?"She asked confused. Yoongi just went and suddenly held her by the waist and pulled her closer to him while she was totally taken aback. "If your brother sends that then reply to my confession right now. Do you like me too?" He asked directly looking into her eyes. "I do" She replied without blinking and avoiding eye contact.

Yoongi smiled and leaned his face closer. Out of nervousness, she closed her eyes thinking that he will kiss her on the lips. But then she felt his soft lips pressing her forehead. She slowly opened her eyes and looked on at him while he made the distance again. 

"Let's officially date and take things slowly. Going fast with the relationship won't do any good" Yoongi said while she just shyly nodded at his words.


[One month Later]

[In  the academy]

"Here's the file," Y/n said submitting the project to the professor. She finally decided and joined the undergraduate course in photography. 

After submitting the file she left the classroom with her friend as well as her partner in the class. "So any plans after this?" Jungkook asked her. "I'll go to work now. And then study about the topics" Y/n replied. 

They both were talking when suddenly she got the call. She took the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was of Yoongi. She smiled and picked up the call. 

"Is the class over?" Yoongi straightly asked without any hi or hello. "Yeah, just got over. Getting out of the university right now." Y/n said. "I am waiting for you outside, be quick." He said and ended the call. 

"Was that your boyfriend?" Jungkook asked while y/n nodded. "He said he is waiting for me outside," Y/n said.  After that, they both went outside the university. Jungkook said bye to Y/n and headed towards his own house.  While y/n was searching for yoongi all over the place.

"I am here" She turned back after hearing his voice. Y/n smiled after seeing him and ran towards him to give him a big hug while he hugged her back. "How did the class go?" He asked. "It was okay" Y/n replied. Suddenly her stomach growled due to hunger. Yoongi stopped hugging her while she looked at him all embarrassed. 

"I am sorry about that." She said all embarrassed. "Let's go and eat something first," Yoongi said while Y/n nodded and then they both went into the restaurant. They ordered the food and began to eat it. 

"Give me some," Yoongi said looking at y/n food. "Nooo" Y/n said and kept eating her food. Sharing is caring but not in the case of food. "Ya please, can't you give your bf some?" Yoongi whined. Y/n couldn't refuse his cuteness so she gave him some portion to eat. "Now you also give me yours," Y/n asked. But this time yoongi gave a devilish smile and ignored her while eating his food. "Yah! Don't ignore!" Y/n said but he just kept eating.

Y/n tried to take some food from his plane but he picked the plate up not letting her reach it. He was having fun teasing her until he saw her sad face which continued eating her own food. Feeling bad he quietly kept the plate on the table and moved it toward her. "Here eat it," He said but this time she ignored him and kept eating her own food.

"Okay I am sorry, I just wanted to tease you." He said trying to convince her but it didn't look like she was gonna be convinced. He took a deep breath before using his final weapon. "Y/n baby, don't be angry with your boyfriend, I am sorry", he said in a cute voice while doing aegyo making y/n almost choke her food while other people looked at them.

Y/n coughed while yoongi helped her and gave her the water. "You are okay?" Yoongi asked while y/n nodded.  "That aegyo was so sudden," Y/n said while yoongi rubbed his neck with his finger in embarrassment. "I learned that from the internet. Was it that bad?" Yoongi asked while y/n shook her head no. "You looked adorable" Y/n smiled and said while yoongi got red in embarrassment and avoided her gaze. 

"Feed me." Y/n suddenly said while yoongi got confused. "Huh?" He asked confused while blinking his eyes. " I'll only forgive you if you feed me," Y/n said while pointing at his food. "Com on in public?" Yoongi asked. "You did aegyo too. So you can feed." Y/n said. With no other option, he slowly took the chopstick and started feeding her the food. And be honest, he actually enjoyed doing that.

[Some days later]

"How is her fever?" Mina said looking at minji sleeping with a shivering body and red face while Jimin was changing the wet cloth on her forehead. 

"Doctor said it's a normal fever and will be okay in some days. But she hasn't eaten well because of this. I am worried" Jimin said with his tired voice. Mina got worried looking at his condition. "You also look tired," Mina said while Jimin nodded. "I can't rest well seeing my little princess so sick," Jimin said. 

Mina slowly went near him and sat beside him in the bed where minji was sleeping. She slowly held his hand. "Go and rest now. I'll take care of her. Sorry for not being able to be here sooner" Mina said caressing his hands. "But-, Jimin tried to protest for this but Mina was his stubborn girlfriend. Her one glare was enough for him to be quiet and agree to her words. "Okay, I'll go but call me if you need anything," Jimin said. Mina nodded and helped the tired and sleepy Jimin to get to his room.

Then she went inside Minji's room and sat beside her. She changed her sweaty dress and changed the wet cloth in her forehead. Thankfully her fever was also going down. "Get well soon, your appa is really worried." Mina said softly to Minji. 


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