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[In the bonfire]

All four of them were enjoying the night in the resort with the fire glowing. Yoongi and y/n sat there silently enjoying the vibe while Jhope and Wency danced and enjoyed it energetically.

"You dance too well." Y/n complimented while jhope smiled and thanked her. "I heard that you are a fan of him?" Wency asked Y/n while she nodded at her. "Yeah, I used to be really interested in dance and his moves were really quite cool. Honestly, I even kind of developed a crush on him but of course that wasn't so serious one." Y/n said while giving a slight laugh.

"Yoongi, you also start dancing. Y/n will be happy" Jhope said looking at yoongi who was just drinking water while minding his own business. "Shut up. I don't want to break my bones and be boneless like you." Yoongi said referring to Jhope's smooth dance steps which make it looks like he doesn't have bones at all.

"Should I take that as a compliment or insult?" Jhope asked. "I think you are adult enough to decide that," Yoongi replied making him dumbfounded while wency and y/n looked at each other awkwardly. 

"Let's play truth or dare," Wency suggested while they all agreed to the idea. "So rules are simple. I'll spin the bottle and the pointed one is the answerer and the back side of the bottle one is the questioner. The answer one can choose either truth or dare and if you won't complete it then you'll have to take a sip of the shot per glass." Wency said explaining the rules which everyone understood and nodded their heads.

They spin the bottle and then the first one comes to Jhope and Yoongi. Jhope is the questioner and yoongi is the answerer. "So truth or dare?" Jhope asked. "I don't bother doing anything so truth" Yoongi answered. Okay then, "In your relationship, who makes the first move?" Jhope asked yoongi while he looked at him. "I thought you would ask something interesting but never mind you are dumb," Yoongi said while Jhope just frowned. "Just answer the damn questions!" Jhope said in annoyance. "We both do make the move first, but I am the one mostly making the first move," Yoongi said. "Is that true y/n?" Jhope asked her. She smiled and looked at yoongi. "Yes, it's true." 

"Woah, I can't imagine him making the first move. I mean even you are the one confessing first" Jhope said while y/n just awkwardly smiled. "Well, it's true that he makes the first move but- " Y/n was about to say but then she hears. "HAJIMA!!!!!!!!!!" Yoongi shouted. All of them looked at him surprised. "No y/n tells us," Jhope said while y/n just sat there more awkwardly. "You asked who makes the first move and I answers. Y/n also confirmed it's true. So stop asking more and continue the game! Yoongi said giving a scary glare at all of them so they continued to play the next round.

Things went to the next round. This time the questioner was Y/n and the answer was Jhope. "I'll take the dare!" Jhope said while y/n thought for a while. "I am bad at thinking dare. Oh wait let's do this, I Jhope you dare to eat the Spicy noodles with the whipped cream by mixing them together. You said while jhope looked at you with scared eyes. "Yoongi mixes the chicken and Sprite while you suggest this? You both are truly made for each other" Jhope said while y/n just laughed. 

They made the noodles disaster and Jhope somehow ate that but well his stomach didn't cooperate and now he has to go toilet many times. Finally, after eating some medicine, he is feeling better. "Now this time yoongi was the questioner while Wency was the answerer. "I'll choose truth," Wency said. "Do you want to get married to Jhope soon?" He asked her. Jhope and wency were both taken aback. Jhope looked at her getting nervous about what answer she would give.

"Yes I do want to," Wency said. " I want to marry him and have a happy family with him till the end of my life" Wency smiled and said. There was some silence there. She looked and saw Jhope sitting there silently but tears were coming through his eyes. Wency got surprised and softly held his cheeks while wiping his eyes and tears while he held her hands. "Why are you crying?" Wency asked while she just shake his head as no just like a little child. "It's just that I love you so much," He said being all teary while wency hugged him.

Y/n and yoongi just looked at them and at each other. Y/n looked at yoongi while he signalled her to get out from there. Y/n understood and then they both slowly got up from there and got out of the place. 


Y/n and Yoongi walked hand in hand under the beautiful night sky. The moon and stars made it even more special. They smiled and felt the warmth of their hands as they walked together. The cool breeze added to the magic of the moment. They enjoyed every step, grateful for each other's company.

"Why did you ask her that question?" Y/n asked yoongi. "It was just a truth or dare. Why would you ask that?" Yoongi replied to her question. "I just thought it was more than the truth or dare," Y/n replied. Yoongi didn't say anything for a while. They both just held hands and kept walking. 

"He was tensed some days ago," Yoongi said. Y/n looked at him while he continued. " He was having trust issues with himself. He was being insecure about his and wency relationship. He was thinking if Wency wanted to be with him. So I got the chance to ask about this to her as a truth and dare question." Yoongi said finally completing his sentence.

"I see. And she really loves him" Y/n said while yoongi hummed agreeing with her words. "How about you?" Y/n asked making him confused. "About?" Yoongi asked. "Do you want to marry me? Y/n asked yoongi. They both stopped on the track while yoongi looked at her and she looked at him. Both of their eyes met with the mixed yet enchanting emotions they held for each other. 

"Yes. I want to" He said smiling directly with not leaving his gaze from her. She smiled and went closer to him while he just stood there. "It means that I give the proposal to you without feeling the fear of getting "No".  He looked kind of confused hearing that. 

She suddenly sat down on her knees and took out a ring in front of him ."I know most men do this but I really wanted to propose to my lover. So don't mind this and just answer that question again. Min Yoongi, will you marry me?" Y/n asked smiling and being all teary while looking at him. 

Looking at the scenery he smiled back while sitting and being at her level. "How can I reject the proposal of the most beautiful person and someone whom I love so much? Yes Lee Y/n, I'll marry you." He said smiling while moving his hands towards her indicating her to put the ring on it. She slowly took the ring and kept the ring on his finger. 

People might judge them for changing the gender norms where men are the ones proposing and women are the ones accepting or rejecting it but for them that didn't matter. They were happy being with each other. They accept each other beauty as well as faults. They both respected each other beliefs and personalities not caring how much weird was for the rest of the world. She proposed to him without feeling embarrassed and thinking it should be the man to do that, he accepted her proposal happily. And this is how love should look. Love filled with respect, acceptance, and trust is the one which can truly make each other happy and they both proved this. 

They both slowly stood up from there and gave each other a tight hug. Both cried in happiness as well as smiling showing they both were so happy. They stopped hugging and directly looked at each other. Both of them moved closer to each other and then their lips touched each other. Then their lips moved slowly giving the kiss to each other. The kiss was neither needy nor lustful. It was beautiful which showed how much they loved each other and calling it needy would be an insult to this beautiful moment.

As they both stood up, their hearts overflowed with joy, tears streaming down their faces. At that moment, their smiles showed pure happiness. They released their embrace and gazed into each other's eyes, drawn closer by an invisible thread. Their lips brushed together gently, moving with a tenderness that words cannot capture.

This kiss was not driven by need or desire alone; it was deep action in their love. It spoke of a connection that went beyond the physical, a bond that ran deep within their souls. To label it as needy would make it disrespectful as it was a beautiful moment that celebrated their unwavering affection.


[Author note: Finally this story ends. Thanks to all who read this. I don't know how it must have been. Some parts might be illogical while some were cringe. I am not a professional writer and I believe there are much better writers than me. So ignore the illogical stuff and just focus on enjoying the story. I don't know if I'll write another book or not as there are ideas in my mind but bringing them to words is pretty hard. So this might be the first and last story in Wattpad. Not sure but might be. So once again thank you so much to all the people who read this.]

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