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"Y/n, I wanted to talk to you for a moment." He said. She stops working and looks at him with a questionable gaze. "Is everything alright?" She asks worried. "Yeah, all is good. Just an important discussion. Can we talk after working hours are over?" He asked. "Okay, we can" y/n said. "I'll wait for you outside the building." He said while she nodded. After that, he went from there while Y/n continued to work.

After working hours,

"Sorry for making you wait," Y/n said going near Jimin who was waiting for her. "It's okay," He said. There was silence until Y/n decided to break it. "So why did you want to meet me?" She asked.

"Actually, I remembered about you mentioned being raised orphanage," He said. Y/n got silent for a while. She was confused about why he brought that thing so suddenly.

"Hey don't take it in a bad way. I don't mean anything bad. I just wanted to know about something. Do you perhaps know about adoption rules?" He asked. "Adoption rules?" She asked him in confusion.

"Yeah, actually it's been long since I was planning this. I want to adopt a daughter. And you are from there so I thought you knew clearly about things like this.." He said

" I am not really so sure about that. But I can ask my Mom about that and if everything goes well then you can adopt a girl" Y/n said making Jimin look at her in excitement. "Really? I would be really grateful if things go that way" He said smiling.

"If you don't mind then can I ask why you want to adopt a daughter?" Y/n asked with a curious voice. "Well, It's like one of my dreams. I always dreamed of this. To adopt a little girl and be a father who gives her a beautiful life and bright future. I was waiting for the right time. And right now, I believe that I am quite capable to earn and ready to handle this responsibility" He said.

"That's so sweet of you. The girl who will be adopted by you will be really lucky." Y/n said making Jimin smile. "Thank you for saying that. So please let me know about it" He said. "Sure" Y/n nodded and said.

"Let me drop you home." Jimin offered y/n while she shook her head no. "No, it's okay. I'll manage to go by bus" She said. 

Suddenly, something unexpected took place. Y/n was pulled by someone and slapped across the face. She was shocked by the sudden incident, and Jimin immediately pushed the person away.

"Y/n are you okay?" He asked while y/n nodded holding her cheeks. "That's what you get for breaking up with me and being with other guys," The guys said. And Yes, it was no other than Wansoo.

He looked very proud of what he had done. There were no regrets on his face. But now y/n's anger was uncontrollable. " You really think you did something great you a**hole!!!!" She shouted. Wansoo looked at her but then he gets a hard kick on his stomach making him fall right there. 

"First, of all you cheat on me. You lied to me and played with my emotions and now you have guts to talk to me like that!!!!" She shouts and punches him. "I thought that itching powder would be enough but no, Men like you surely deserve worst!!!" Saying that he gave him another tight slap." 

It's not that he didn't try to fight back. He did but Y/n was so angry that she didn't give him the chance. She was about to give him another kick but Jimin stopped her. 

"Y/n that's enough. Don't hit him more or he'll die" Jimin said. Y/n stopped but the rage in her eyes didn't stop. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down from the anger. While Wansoo took the opportunity and ran from there with a bleeding nose. Many people were looking at them. Y/n hated this. The attention she got made her anxious. She scratched her hands in nervousness but Jimin noticed and stopped her.

"Don't hurt yourself because of someone else," Jimin said. Y/n took a deep breath to stable herself in this situation. "Can you help me go to the police station and register a complain"? Y/n asked. Jimin nodded and said, "Just wait for a while. I'll bring my car.

After that, he went and brought his car from the parking area. Y/n sat beside Jimin and then he drove to the nearest police station.

They both entered the police station to lodge a complaint against Wansoo. Y/n was scared and nervous to tell them about this so Jimin helped her.

"Um hello," She slowly said making the police officer look at her. He noticed her nervousness.

"Hello. Please take the seat" He said gesturing towards the two chairs where both Jimin and Y/n sat.

"My name is Kim Namjoon. So how may I help you?" He asked.

"I wanted to register a complaint," Y/n spoke while namjoon prepared himself to listen to the detail of the case.

"Complaint against whom?" He asked. "Against my ex." Y/n quickly said. Y/n was pretty nervous about this. She was scared if the police doesn't do anything then what will Wansoo do to her? Her hands were sweaty.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't be scared. Here drink some water." Namjoon said giving her the glass of water which she drank in one gulp."

"So will you tell me what actually happened? Like what did he do to make you complaint against him?" Namjoon asked while holding the complaint file

" I caught him cheating so just some days ago we broke up. It wasn't mutual. He tried to make me stay in the relationship. And after a day of breakup, I went to a restaurant with a friend and he came there and attacked me in anger. That time I decided to ignore it as I thought he would stop. But then just a while ago, while I was having a conversation with my friend Jimin, that guy slapped me in public. And in anger, I beat him too much and he ran away." Y/n said completing the story of the incident.

"I see. Was he the same friend whom you were within the restaurant?" Namjoon asked looking toward Jimin. "No it's someone else" y/n replied.  "Do you have any strong evidence that he did this?" He asked again.

Y/n thought for a while and replied, "Yes there is. I remember we both were talking about it in front of our office building so it might have been captured in CCTV footage there. And in the restaurant as well, I am not sure about this but there might also be CCTV in that place. And Jimin was with me today so he is a witness and my other friend might also help me with that"

"That's great news then. I have noted the things you said and registered your complaint. Here, sigh this and please fill in the necessary info here." He said giving her the file. Y/n took the file and signed the required place after filling in the info. 

"We will catch the culprit and start our investigation. So don't worry. You may go now" Namjoon said.

She bowed and thanked him. After that, she and Jimin both got outside the police station. Jimin dropped y/n at her apartment as he thought it was the right thing to do.

"Thank you for accompanying me today," Y/n said to Jimin before getting off the car. "You're welcome. And take care of yourself" He said. Y/n nodded and went inside her apartment. 

After getting inside. He opened her TV and played a playlist. Songs are one of the best ways to distract yourself from various unnecessary things. Then she went and took a shower and changed into an oversized T-shirt and her pajamas. 

She just sat on her couch while the music was playing in the background. She didn't have any mood to do anything. She was already stressed because of her work and now also suffering from her psycho crush. She cursed herself for being dumb and dating him. She knows that he was the one who cheated. But despite knowing this she can't help but blame herself for these things.

It happens to many of us. Many of us are too good. Despite knowing someone else is at fault, we blame ourselves. She was facing the same. She doubted herself now. He asked herself if she was not enough for him. She asked herself if he was annoyed by her childlike nature. How much we tell ourselves we didn't do wrong which is true in this case, our mind again can't help to doubt ourselves. And IT HAPPENS EVERY TIME. 

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