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Nezu had seen lots of things during his time, but this was new.

He and the other pro-heroes had witnessed a whole group of powerhouses take out villains within seconds.

And although authorities attempted to arrest them, only for them to be taken down, and Izumi came forword.

"I know them, they are from CLAMP. " She said sending people into shock.

Naomasa did not detect a lie. These people were from the elusive and illustrious CLAMP Academy.

"My, I had no idea of your connections." Nezu said.

"Thank you, Izumi. Though I advise that you reunite with your class for now." Zephyranth said.


All Might went to Zephyranth as soon as they got to U.A. "MISS ZEPHYRANTH, THANK YOU FOR STEPPING IN TO HELP PROTECT THE STUDENTS-" He said only for Zephyranth to glare at him.

"Well if you stopped being proactive and focus on your new job, being a teacher, then we would not have to clean up your mess. And you can debuff your form. I already know of your condition from Nezu." Zephyranth said.

This caused All Might to shrink in shock.

"You knew?!"

"Course I did."

"Though, who the others?" Snipe asked.

"While I'm the Mayor of CLAMP Island, they were the Staff, teachers, and alumini of the Academy.

The Arcobaleno are a group of powerful individuals that are the best of their own groups.

Reborn is a pro mathematician and combat expert. He's also the ultimate authority on animal and insect language, as well as a former hitman for the government. But he's a man of his word.

Colonello and Lal Mirch are in charge of the training ground of CLAMP as well as heads of defense. 

Verde is the science professor, and his inventions are so advanced, people believe him to be the reincarnation of DaVinci.

Viper, a powerful illusionist that can create any illusion into real life.

Fon, a formidable martial artist that could stop bullets without getting hurt.

Skull, a former stuntwoman and circus actress, said to have beaten Death many times.

Luce, a seer.

And many others. And I wish to share something important with you all." Zephyranth said as she snapped her fingers and the table before them turned into a large lion just snoozing off.

They got surprised at this.

"Whoa! Is thus a transformation quirk?!" Midnight asked.

"No." Zephyranth said as she turned Midnight's hair white.

Then conjured a fireball from her hand, transforming it into Plasma, then electricity.

"Let's just say what you know about the Quirkless is about to change."

"Hold it, let Me get this straight. There are no quirkless people? They have magic?" Mic asked.

"Yes, my predecessors, when quirks started to emerge, thought it would lead to our extinction, but it didn't. There have been reports of a quirked appearing in a magic family, and vice versa. And we actually have a steady population not counting the true supernaturals. About 335 million at last count last year." Zephyranth nodded.

Then one stupid hero spoke up. "Can you prove that? Besides, doctors said that quirkless don't live past 21!"

Glaring at him, Zephyranth gave out a photo.
"See the woman in this family photo? Naomasa, do you know her?"

"Wait, that's Hachimichi Sakura, she was reported to be quirkless, but that was 30 years ago! She disappeared when she was 18."

"Yes, she actually had flower magic, and we enlisted her as a CLAMP flower since she was six. Now she's a flower mage, a librarian, age 34, happily married to an heteromorph, and has three kids. And they decided to stay in the Mystic realm as all their kids have magic."

Then Zephyranth gave them photos of other "quirkless" people. A man age 45, another 37, a woman age 66 and now a grandmother, another 39. They all lived past 21! And as Zephyranth talked, Naomasa did not detect a single lie.

These "missing quirkless" were all alive and well, starting their own families, and lived in a world that did not need heroes.

Then Zephyranth shocked them with new photos. This time of former convicts or villains. They either found good jobs, started families, settled into retirement, and so on.

"Wait, how did you rehabilitate these guys?" A female hero asked.

"We had Duchess on the case. She is one of our alumini after all." Zephyranth smiled.

"Wait, the Gentle Therapist Hero, Duchess? As in the motherly pro that successfully rehabilitated over five million villains across the world?!" Power Loader asked in shock.

Zephyranth nodded.

"Though after this attack, we need a system overhaul." Snipe said.

"We are already getting that covered. Verde and Mammon are lending their expertise in cyber security, they even painstakingly found a way to detect warp and even disguise and illusion quirks by trespassers. Even the students in the Support Department are impressed." Zephyranth said.

School was canceled the next day to improve security.

While Nezu and Zephyranth were talking, the latter gave Nezu a letter.

"Hm, an invite?"

"Yes, after the Sports Festival and Finals, I'd like to have U.A. Hero Courses as guests to CLAMP. Invite as much teachers and other pros as you'd like. I'm also inviting those from other hero schools to participate in Training Camp. We have the Arcobaleno and other Alumini helping. " Zephyranth smiled.

Nedu paused for a moment. Only to have a sinister Aura.

"Heroes and even All Might against Mystics.....oh the mayhem it will bring." Nezu said cheerfully.

Meanwhile, Toshinori felt a shiver down his spine. What is Nezu planning now?
Ooh, next will be Sports Festival!

And there will be a replacement for Summer training camp, called "CLAMP Academy Hell Arc."

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