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Yoongi shook his spouse lightly peppering kisses all over his head,

"Get up baby, we have reached."

He softly speaks into his ear as Namjoon cuts the engine,

"Baby , we need to go!!"

Namjoon raised his eyebrows, as Yoongi again sweetly called out to Jimin.


Namjoon stares at Yoongi through the rear-view mirror in the car ,

"Why are you whispering?!"

Yoongi looks at the man who called out for him,

"He is sleeping."


Namjoon tilts his head,

"You are supposed to wake him up."

Yoongi gives him a pointed look , that says , that's-what-I'm-doing!!!


Yoongi hurriedly covered Jimin's ears , annoyed by Namjoon's tactics,

"That's not how you wake 'Jimin' up big man!!"

Yoongi whispers so softly into Jimin's ear , but the said big man heard it clear as a storm.

"I'm the one who woke him up for the past 25 years , young man."

Namjoon turned little in his seat and gave a good shake to Jimin , Yoongi frowned trying to save Jimin from his father-in-law's harsh movements.

Jimin softly words some incoherent sentences before enchantingly opening his eyes.

"So what??, am I supposed to whisper like you??"

Namjoon says mimicking Yoongi's whispers and an adorable cat pout,

"Cruel man!!"

Yoongi replied pulling Jimin even closer to his chest if possible,

"But I got the point , dad , you wake him up as he deserves."

Yoongi shook Jimin a little harshly now he mimicked his father-in-law, unaware of his beloved eyes on him.

"Not like this."

Namjoon snickers

"And what did you just do?!"

Yoongi horrified , looked in his arms , his eyes were ready to bulge out,

"It wasn't me , it was your father who shook you that hard."

Kim Namjoon glared at his son's husband pointing out,

"Why are you adamant to make Jimin , My Prince , hate me?!"

Yoongi shook his head denying for what he is been accused for before making his hold on Jimin a bit more possessive ,

"I'll never do that dad , it's you who is trying to snatch my husband from me."

The cat pout was persistent on Yoongi as Jimin looked at him with what seems like longing , he knew his husband is bewitching but never thought the same man will be insecure regarding him , his heart was pounding so loud against his ribs, he wanted to touch his husband but remembered his father being in the same car.

"And where did you hear this from?!"

"You didn't allow him to meet me just a few moments ago."

Yoongi was now full on display sulking and Jimin was not doing any good to control himself, he pulled his husband's face in between his small paws and kissed his left cheek.

"Ewwwwww , this generation!!!"

Namjoon gagged,

"When you guys think it's enough of PDA , you can come in , I'm leaving."

The opening and closing of a billion dollar car can be heard as posh as the car.

Jimin shy away dropping his both palms from around Yoongi's cheeks and snuggles against his husband's very buff chest , he doubts about his husband going to the gym but being this jock he must have in the past.

Yoongi eyes the balzer kept elegantly in the passenger seat before questioning,

"Do you feel comfortable in this t-shirt?!"

Jimin hums disregarding Yoongi's childish jealousy with his dad , and as he looks at his lap he blushes furiously realising he is sitting on Yoongi's lap and the said person hasn't left any way to not make him comfortable on his thighs.

Yoongi leaves a few kisses here and there as Jimin voices ,

"I think we should go inside?!"

"Hmm, let's go."

Yoongi shifts little so that now Jimin is sitting on the car seat as he opens the car and straightens his blazer before bending down and asking Jimin to come over as Min Jimin was regarding sleeping on Yoongi's lap and not treasuring it.

Yoongi's picks his Jiminie up in his arms in bridal style and walks towards the entrance of Kim's Mansion.

"I notified you not to wed my son in the Min's family."

A loud shout was heard,

"But you were so resolute , to make my son's life a living hell , now what ,  see that boy he has nowhere to go."

Kim Namjoon sighed, he knows Min Yoongi is the best man for his son , but he won't dare to explain this to his husband now , no never , he doesn't have a dead wish.

Jimin looked at his husband from under his chin all his blush and shyness gone as he sees Yoongi's eyes stuttering before looking down at him with so much agony,

"Calm down Jinnie."

"Don't fuck with me now Namjoon, don't you get our son , Kim Jimin , who just wears branded things and products now have to give up on all those entity , have to kill his desires, his impulses."

"He is our son , baby , he knows how to act and behave, you're just worrying for nothing, I trust Yoongi."

"Don't you dare to start saying your son-in-law will handle this shit."

"Hear to m-,"

"Yoongi I wanna get down."

Jimin's husband eyes him for a second before placing him down on the ground, still not wanting to as Jimin is bare feet but the front carpet exhibited does look soft like a cat fur, and he is nowhere to question him.

Jimin intertwines his right hand with Yoongi's left before facing him and cupping his husband's right cheek and kissing the other sweetly.

"Let's go to your parents'house".


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