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A loud knock distracted Yoongi as he was too much invested in his work ,

"Who is it!!!"

He places his laptop on the centre table before walking towards the main door , he frowns looking at the  three strangers , two being adult with a small toddler.

"Yes , how can I help you?!"

The one from the two adults engulfed Yoongi in a warm bear hug , and the second one was cradling approximately a two year toddler who retorts to his question making himself welcome by entering their small cosy abode,

"By getting aside and letting me enter."

Yoongi wriggled in the arms of the unknown masochist man , questioning his life he is sure he has never confronted this weird couple , one still hugging him like they are long lost brothers and another entering with a little toddler in his and his Jiminie's home like it's theirs.

"Excuse me."

Yoongi finally freed himself from the masculine man and looked annoying at the couple,

"Who the hell are you people!!"

Yoongi's tone was a little too high , the baby in the arms of some deity looking man started crying like his life depended on it , the man walked with his baby to Yoongi and deposited the said baby in Yoongi's arms ,

"You made her cry so it's gonna be you who makes her all  calm again, it took me 40 minutes to pacify her before knocking on your door."

The alluring man looked at the one standing beside Yoongi looking at both of them like his dream came true ,

"And you my dear husband, can you get me a glass of water."

The macho man smiled softly at his supposed husband before retreating his steps to the dinning table visible from the view,

"Where is your dear husband, Mr.Min Yoongi?!"

Yoongi checks at the man filling a glass of water before looking at one who dares to question him , in his fucking house and fuck these people even knows his name , Yoongi softly prop up the baby against his chest trying to console her before snapping at the man standing in front of him ,

"You , with your baby and that piece of gym,"

He points at the puffed up man coming towards them with a glass of water in his hand ,

"Get out of our house."

The heavenly man took the glass from his oh so gym husband kissing his cheeks and plopping himself on the koala grey couch,

"Disrespectful, how does he even tolerate you."

Yoongi seems to not notice that the baby is dozing in his hold,

"At least you know how to handle babies, I give you that you had made Juae quite in the recorded time."


A loud yell from the doorway of a room make every one turn towards it and the standing man looking at his baby in Yoongi's arms beams at Yoongi's Jiminie and advances his steps towards Mr.Min Jimin who meets him midway, JUNGKOOK as Jimin called him almost lifts Jimin in the air as Yoongi takes fast steps to protect his husband just to witness his Jiminie placing a loud smooch on this Jungkook's face.

The animalistic growl was heard before Yoongi grabbed Jimin's arm possessively with one hand and the next second the same hand was tangled with Jungkook's collar, but he kept the baby safe in his right hand , as she was busy smelling Yoongi , sleep long forgotten ,

"How the fuck , you dared to touch my husband."

Jimin's palm touched Yoongi's left shoulder, who now was all over Jungkook ,

MY INNOCENT HUSBAND. {YOONMIN}Where stories live. Discover now