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Yoongi's eyes clicked open as soon as the clock rang 5am , he pushed the alarm button off even before it could ring , it's like his body had become habituated to this life sleeping after midnight and waking up at 5am.

He looked in his arms Jimin was clinging to his torso , Yoongi kissed his head , he observed that Jimin was facing difficulty in breathing.

He brought his laptop from his briefcase and plugged the charger beside his side of the bed , and sat on the bed with his one hand in Jimin's hair and the other was typing sentences on his laptop.

He texted his secretary that he will be taking a day off , he pulls Jimin inside the duvet, covering him till his chin and kissing him softly before going back to his work.

When the clock said it was 7am he closed his laptop but not before saving his documents, he kissed his husband's temple noting Jimin's increased temperature.

He made his way to the kitchen to cook a light and healthy breakfast.

Jimin stirred, he looked at the clock at Yoongi's side of the bed and tears were quick to make their way on his face,

"Only if I was up one hour ago!!"

Jimin could taste his tears on his tongue as he shove his face in Yoongi's pillow and smelling Yoongi's faint cologne his eyes got heavy and as he covered himself with the duvet, the door of their room cracked open and the delicious aroma of food hit his nose his stomach growls he hasn't had his dinner past night.


Yoongi smiles at Jimin's voice and places the food at the side table of the bed before reaching for Jimin and kissing his head and as Jimin's golden brown eyes meets Yoongi's ocean blue one it didn't take him a silly second to propel himself at Yoongi , who stumbles back on the bed adjusting his Jiminie on his lap.

"Slow down my lion."

Yoongi whispers in his ears as Jimin shakes his head negatively before snuggling more into Yoongi's neck and leaving hard kisses every now and then.

"I missed you."

Jimin's voice sounded broken, Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin's tiny waist.

"Anche tu mi sei mancata."
(I missed you too - In Italian.)

Yoongi murmurs back in Jimin's ear , who drives himself away from Yoongi's neck and gives his husband a heated look,

"You sound super sexy."

Jimin hid his face in Yoongi's chest while the blush creeps on his face,

"Keep talking to me in Italian."

Yoongi looked in his arms making eye contact with his love before asking ,

"Lo vuoi davvero?"
(Do you really want this?)

Jimin bit his lip not knowing what his lover is trying to convey but as he remembers he too knows an Italian word he retorts ,

"It really sounds BUONO." (Good.)

Yoongi smiles softly realising Jimin didn't get a word ,

"My amor." (My Love.)

Mr.Min Yoongi softly bites Jimin's ear making the said person squirm in his hold ,


Yoongi captures Jimin's lips in a light peck but it's been a while Jimin has kissed his man , he holds Yoongi's collar pulling him in for a frantic kiss which is full of teeth and tongue he didn't realise when he bit his own lips during their steamy kiss but Yoongi was quick to pull himself looking at his husband's lips and then into his soft golden orbs , Jimin whines in oppose wanting Yoongi close and connected ,

MY INNOCENT HUSBAND. {YOONMIN}Where stories live. Discover now