Chapter 4: Garlic Bread

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(Jenna's POV is coming soon, I promise y'all)

*Small time skip* also this chapter is a little silly but I needed something to set up chapter 5 lmao

Your POV

FINALLY it was time to eat. We were about 2 hours behind on lunch, and it was starting to show via my hunger pains and crabby attitude. Thank God I had the day off tomorrow because I was brimming with exhaustion and I would love to just rot in bed for a day.

"Want me to grab your food?" Troy asks as we approach the craft table. Always so considerate, this one. Spaghetti and garlic bread was on the menu today. So simple but so delicious.

"That's okay, I can grab it. I don't need you witnessing the copious serving I'm about to make myself." We share a laugh and he hands me a plate before serving himself down the line. The main cast always eats first and I noticed a few of them - Emma, Joy, Jenna, and Hunter - just finishing up. They're engrossed in their own conversations and don't seem to notice the extras coming to eat. I start with a hearty serving of salad, always down for some greens, then move on to the noodles. They separated the sauces - one with meat and one without. I opt for the one without for today. As I go to grab what looks like the last piece of garlic bread, a dainty hand lands on top of mine, reaching for the same thing. I was so focused on filling my plate I hadn't even noticed Troy had already taken a seat and Jenna had approached the craft table. She apparently didn't notice me either, as her back was turned to me while she continued a conversation with Joy who was still sitting at their table that was close by. She jumped at our contact and quickly turned around with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry! I swear I thought everyone was done eating." She flusters and it makes me giggle.

"No worries at all. Here." I take the last piece of bread and split it perfectly in half, presenting one piece to her. "I have really clean hands, I promise." I follow up quickly, feeling self-conscious when she doesn't take the piece right away. Eventually she smiles and grabs it, causing me to release the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"That's very nice of you, thank you."

"Don't mention it. I owe you for the ride the other day." I smile back at her.

"Oh please, that was basic human decency. You absolutely do not owe me for that. But thank you anyway... again." She smiled sheepishly and it makes me blush. I can't imagine a time when she won't make the butterflies in my stomach erupt into chaos.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" Her sudden questioning throws me off and I almost legit pinch myself to make sure she's talking to me.

"Uh- nothing. I'm supposed to be done by 9 and I was just going to head home. I have tomorrow off, thankfully."

"Wait, so do we! Well, the girls do. We were going to have a game night at my place tonight, if you were interested." My state of shock almost causes my knees to buckle. I try to gather my composure but I'm losing it with every second of silence I'm letting hang in the air. Say something.

"I- that sounds really fun. I'd love to, thank you. I won't get in trouble for being at the cast apartments?" Jenna chuckles and I suddenly feel silly for asking.

"Not to sound like an entitled snob, but I'm pretty sure if the starring actress invites you, it's okay." Her toothy grin is infectious and her words immediately make me feel at ease.

"Okay, yeah. I'll be there." I can't help the pink flushing to my cheeks and all I can do is hope she doesn't notice.

"Great! Um, I guess we should exchange numbers so I can tell you where to go later." She reaches in her back pocket and unlocks her phone before handing it to me. I take it, almost too eagerly, and put my number in all while trying to hide my shaky fingers. I hand it back to her with a nervous smile while my heartbeat tries to regulate itself.

"Perfect, I'll text you. Thank you again for this." Jenna holds up the piece of garlic bread I shared with her, still smiling, and I mutter a quiet "Of course" before she excuses herself back to the table with her co-stars. I once again feel on the verge of a blackout with what just happened and as I walk to the table where Troy and a couple other extras I know were sat, I see Troy eyeing me with an amused expression.

"I'm sorry, did I just see you and Jenna Ortega exchange digits?" He asks as I sit across from him and set my plate on the table. My appetite was shot now due to my nerves, but I knew I had to eat or I was going to get murderous.

"Exchange digits? How old are you? Also mind your business." I laugh and throw a piece of lettuce at him. I wasn't about to share any details of our exchange because I didn't want anyone to feel left out, and the superstitious side of me didn't want to jinx anything.

"Uh huh. I saw what I saw." Troy responds with a wink. I wave him off and finally dig into my food, releasing a small chuckle to myself when I take a bite of the garlic bread. Everyone talked among themselves but all my mind kept wandering to was what could possibly go down tonight. I personally couldn't wait to find out, so I sent out a silent wish for the next 4 hours to go by quickly.

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