Chapter 14: It's About Fucking Time

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Jenna's POV

Holy shit. Holy SHIT. Whatever was happening to my body right now felt so foreign to me but I welcomed every single part of it. The chaos in my stomach, the thunder in my chest, the stars in my head... all of it made me feel like I was floating and all of it ensued the moment Y/n's lips touched mine. She actually kissed me. I didn't really have a plan when it came to conveying my feelings to her, hence my pathetic word vomit, but it definitely paid off seeing as we now found ourselves in a warm embrace, sharing another soft, but needy kiss. It was only our second one but I was already addicted. I'm still scared of how much I'm feeling for her in such a short amount of time, and I have no clue what we were going to do once we leave Romania, but I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and basked in the heaven I was experiencing here and now. Her lips - soft, supple, and tasting slightly of strawberry chapstick - made for the best kiss I've ever had to date. Maybe it was because of the emotion behind it, but I'm pretty positive it's just because it's her.

Although I thought it was impossible to be taken out of this moment, a whistle echoes from around the corner and it makes Y/n and I jump from our liplock. I'm immediately annoyed until I see it's Emma, proudly wearing an amused look on her face. A wave of heat rushes to my cheeks and I bury my face into Y/n's chest where I feel and hear a hearty laugh escape.

"Well, it's about fucking time!" Emma yells and claps as she makes her way towards us. There goes that "calling out the elephant in the room" thing she always did, which makes me laugh through my embarrassment.

"Oh my God, Emma." I cover my reddened face as Y/n and I detach from our embrace to face her. We subconsciously keep our pinkies intertwined, not wanting to be fully apart from each other.

"Oh, please. The tension between you two was killing everybody. I was honestly 5 seconds away from smashing your faces together myself." Emma explains matter-of-factly.

"Everybody?" Y/n scoffs. "You guys could've helped out a little sooner, don't you think?" She teases with a beaming smile that makes my heart rate spike. Then again, I don't think it ever steadied in the first place.

"Then it wouldn't have been organic!" She retorts excitedly. Emma always acted as my biggest supporter, as I did hers, and I especially appreciated it right now as this was all still new to me. "Y/n, I knew the moment you stood in for me, and everyone else caught on when you admitted to having a crush at game night. And Jenna, for God's sake, you literally get hearts in your eyes at the mere mention of her name. So yeah, you two were so obviously endgame... way to wait until that last day, though." The reminder sends a pang to my chest that I try to ignore. The daunting unknown of our situation wasn't something I wanted to think about right now. Instead, I just laugh in disbelief at the thought of Y/n and I being the last to know about our own selves.

"Wait, wait, wait. Speaking of... who do you have a crush on? I remember you taking a drink too, miss." Y/n jokingly pokes Emma's shoulder and shoots her a speculating stare.

"Oh, I lied. I saw you were the only one taking a drink and didn't want you to feel alone, since Jenna left you hanging." Emma responds, shooting me a playful glare. I shake my head at her antics and a sudden specific memory of that night makes me speak up in defense.

"Hey, wait I was gonna take a drink. But my cup was empty, remember?" I look between the two of them to see if they had any recollection. That night got pretty fuzzy for me so I wasn't fully trusting of my own memory.

"Oh my God. I almost drove myself crazy trying to analyze that!" Y/n looks at me with amused shock and my own admission makes me blush.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't exactly in the right mind to explain myself, if you recall." I say sheepishly. Y/n chuckles with me and gives my pinky a light squeeze. I see the prettiest shade of pink flood her cheeks as she smiles at me and the fading golden light was caressing her features perfectly. I wanted nothing more than to freeze this moment in time. God, she is so beautiful.

"Okay, okay - seriously, I am so fucking happy for you guys... but if you could pause the gay stuff for like, 5 minutes, Tim wants us inside. He's about to make a speech." Emma points to the soundstage with a huge smile and turns to head back inside, with Y/n and I following suit. She lets go of my pinky and I'm saddened until I feel her arm drape over my shoulders. We smile at each other and I grab the hand that's hanging loosely around my shoulder with both of my hands, wanting to feel her touch in any way possible. Her hands are cold, but I didn't care. There's no place I'd rather be right now than under her arm.

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