Chapter 5: Guac, Jameson, Tequila

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(Told you hehe)

Jenna's POV

I'm always a pretty neat person, but I turn into an absolute freak when I'm expecting company. I've vacuumed twice, my counters could not possibly get any cleaner, and now I was on the verge of a panic attack because I didn't know which candle to light. Everyone was coming over in about 10 minutes and the pizza I ordered was just delivered. I probably overstocked on wine and Jameson and seltzers, but fuck it, we have the day off tomorrow. I finally opt for the "Jasmine & Sandalwood" candle since it gave a cozy vibe for the cold and rainy night.

I texted the address to Y/n about an hour ago and she responded with a bunch of emojis confirming she'll be here and asked what she can bring, to which I responded I had everything covered. I don't know why I felt so relieved to get her confirmation; all I know is I'm very drawn to her for some reason and I'm nervous and eager all at once to have her come over. Not to mention she smelled really good, like all the time - all the time being the 3 times I've interacted with her, but still... I hope she's wearing her perfume. I force myself to shake the tangent thought and shift my focus back onto setting up.

Shortly enough, I hear the first knock on the door. I think it's Joy since she's a very punctual person, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see all the girls - Joy, Emma, Naomi, and Johnna - when I open the door.

"Hello, hello. Come on in - there's pizza on the counter and drinks are in the fridge." I move aside in the door frame to let them shuffle in.

"Jenna, we've done this a thousand times. Why are you being all cordial?" Naomi laughs as she sets the bottle of tequila she brought onto the counter. She's right - my nerves were causing me to do the most right now and I don't know why.

"Yeah, you're giving nervous energy. I wonder why." Emma speaks up and I thought I saw a smirk on her face. Before I have time to respond, there's another knock on the door. I feel my heart rate kick up for a split second before I calm it down with a deep breath that hopefully no one saw me take. My stomach fluttered around this girl since the moment we first interacted for some reason, and right now was no different.

I open the door and see Y/n standing there with a bag of chips, a tub of guacamole, and a case of beer. Even though I told her she didn't need to bring anything, the fact that she still did told me a lot about her and I appreciated her efforts. She's wearing a pair of gray sweats with a yellow Nike hoodie and her hair was in a perfectly disheveled bun. She looked so cozy and... cute, I guess, is the only word that came to mind right now.

"Hi, am I late?" She asks and I realize I hadn't greeted her yet. Jesus. Gather yourself, Jenna.

"No, no, you're right on time! Everyone just got here like, right now. Please, come in." My voice comes out an octave higher than usual and I'm freaking myself out. I once again move aside to let her in and to my pleasure, I can smell that perfume as she walks past me. The scent was intoxicating and just made me want to be close to her.

"Here, let me help you. I'm Johnna, by the way." Johnna grabs the case of beer from Y/n's hands and walks towards the fridge. The other girls greet her as well.

"Oh, thank you. Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n." Her voice is timid in response. It dawns on me that she might be feeling a little intimidated right now, so I snap into my best hostess role to try and make her feel as comfortable as possible.

"Thank you for bringing guac. It's one of my favorite snacks." I say to her and motion for her to give me the chips so I can put them in a bowl. She hands the bag to me and I also take the guac from her and place it on the counter next to the pizza.

"Oh, no problem. I uh- I made it, actually. I hope you guys like a lot of cilantro and lime." She chuckles and her demeanor seems to be relaxing a bit, which was making me relax a bit.

"Oh hell yeah. That's only like, the best part. I can't wait to try it." I respond to her with genuine excitement while I empty the chips into a large wooden serving bowl. I fucking love guac and it sounds like she made it exactly to my liking.

"Okay, I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to drink. It's our first day off in, what-"

"9 days." Me, Johnna and Emma say in unison, interrupting Naomi's statement.

"11 days for me. But you guys obviously do a lot more than I do, so I don't know if I really count." Y/n chimes in as she takes her shoes off and leaves them by the door.

"Girl, I see you on set for as long as we are. Extras work hard too; of course you count." Joy offers her a smile and she smiles in return, looking grateful for the nice comment. "So let's pour it up, like now." Joy claps and skips to the freezer, where the bottle of Jameson was stowed away.

"What would you like to drink?" I gently place a hand on Y/n's bicep to grab her attention. The contact makes me feel fuzzy but I try to ignore the sensation.

"Um, tequila works for me if we're taking a shot. Otherwise I'll just have a beer, please."

"Oh, we're doing shots for sure." Emma chimes in and I just now notice that she's cutting limes. Where did she even get those? I shake my head in amusement and open the bottle of tequila to pour 4 shots, excluding any for Joy and I since we prefer Jameson.

"Here you go." Emma and I say at the same time while I hand Y/n her shot and Emma hands her a lime slice. The interaction makes her laugh and the sound is, for reasons I can't put my finger on, music to my ears. Joy hands me my shot while the other girls grab their tequila and we all find ourselves in a circle, ready to cheers.

"To days off and new friends!" Emma exclaims and nudges Y/n with her shoulder. Even though we were a tight-knit group, I appreciate how everyone is making her feel included. Judging by her smile, she did too. With a unanimous "Cheers" we raise our shots and down them in one go. The burning sensation makes its way through my body and settles in my stomach, where I feel the liquid already calming the swirling that was going on in there. I was going to need 1 or 2 more of these if I was going to loosen up around this girl, which I desperately needed to.

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